Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Chapter 8, Taking Notes, Writing and Speaking, March 30-April 6

This week read the chapter on taking notes, writing and speaking and then make two comments on any of these topics: 

Psychologist and philosopher William James said, “The essence of genius is knowing what to overlook.” How can you take steps toward being a genius by being selective at school, at work or in your personal life? 

Many students have difficulties with writing assignments because of writer’s block. Read the section on writer’s block in the text and comment on some ideas that you can use to overcome it. 

Write some intention statements about what you will do to become a better writer or note taker.

Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?

Ask a question or discuss any aspect of college success that is relevant to your college experience at this point.     

Make a comment on another student's post. 


  1. How can you take steps toward being a genius by being selective at school, at work or in your personal life?
    Being selective in my personal life can help me in becoming very successful. Most people cannot balance their work and social life as great as they want to. I figure that if I can make better decisions by being selective in my personal life then I can be more successful in my work and school life. I will make better choices, like who I hang out with, when is an appropriate time to hang out with them, and how can I use my personal time to help make me a better person in the other aspects of my life. This way I am constantly bettering myself even during my personal time.

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  2. By being selective in the classroom, I can take better notes by writing down the main points in the lecture and whatever else is important. This will help me to make better notes and be able to to have an easier time studying and remembering the concepts, because my notes will be clear and precise rather than being cluttered with unnecessary information. While at work, I can focus on what is important and this will allow me to finish my work more quickly and not stress over smaller matters. Lastly, in my personal life I can focus on what is really important to me, which will help me to not stress over lesser matters in my life.

  3. In order to become a better writer and note taker, I must first be familiar with the topic I am writing or taking notes about. try to do as much research as possible in order to gather the most information about a certain topic. I must also read the writing requirements very accurately in order to meet all the requirements without missing anything. Also, try to attend all the classes in order to not miss anything the teacher speaks or writes about so you can put it down on your notecard. Lastly, discuss the topic with other friends before writing or taking notes about it so you can see different points of view and have multiple of views when writing.

  4. Some ideas on how to relax while speaking in public is first to be very prepared about the topic. In order to be very prepared about the topic, I must do a lot of research to gather the most information possible, then get to the presentation date on time and get a good sleep the day before. third, must practice the presentation or public speaking skills all the times in front of people we are comfortable with in order to become a better speaker. Lastly, try to keep calm, look at walls mostly when speaking rather than people because their face expression will make you even more nervous than you are already.

    1. That's interesting Adra, you mentioned that it helps you to look at the walls rather than at individual faces as it helps you to stay calm; I personally find that it's easier to look around at various people in the audience as it feels less forced if I feel like I’m talking to a person. It's interesting how each person finds what works best for them though—some people have even told me that they just stare at the noses of people in the audience, thus giving the impression that they're looking right at them yet still managing to avoid eye contact. Never tried that trick myself, but it’s an interesting theory.

  5. One idea that I found helpful when dealing with writer’s block is the free-writing technique. I have tried this technique before when I was writing an essay for English and found that it not only helps me to come up with ideas for my paper, but it also helped to relieve some stress that helped me to focus. I also found that when dealing with writer’s block it’s best to take a break and calm down, after I find that it is much easier to come up with ideas and focus.

    1. I completely agree, Delia. Taking breaks are important involving writer's block and the strategies you listed, I use myself.

  6. Write some intention statements about what you will do to become a better writer or note taker

    For me to become a better writer I should prepare myself to take notes, read and stay on task. Their are several ways to take notes for example I like to write down main ideas and sub points. Other people like to copy everything down but I just write down what I think is important. Reading helps me also because my vocabulary and my grammar gets better especially if I read variety of different books. Staying on task helps me be a better writer because I will be able to understand, have new ideas and be flexible when I write certain topics .

  7. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?

    Having confidence, positive affirmations and motivation helps me relax while speaking in public. Since I was little I have always been a athlete and I received a lot of attention so when I speak in public I don't get shy. I tell myself that I am capable of doing good and I give my 100% effort to what I do. Sometimes I need to practice by myself, with my parents or friends before hand so that way I'm not so nervous. I always try my best to stay humbled and motivated because that's the only thing that keeps me going. Sometimes its just good to face your fears. Its better to say you can and get a result rather than you cannot because closed mouths don't get fed.

  8. Ask a question or discuss any aspect of college success that is relevant to your college experience at this point.
    I feel like some of the most salient aspects I have experienced in being successful in college are being determined to meet my goal no matter how long it takes and the willpower to not go astray when things get hard and it would be easier to go in a different direction. There’s a saying that nothing worth having comes without effort. It has been detrimental to my success that I be honest with myself about what I want and realistic about how to get it instead of setting myself up for failure.

  9. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?
    When I have to speak in public I tend to prep for it in advance. I either write down in its entirety what I want to say of create an outline with general talking points if it needs to be more free-form. I also practice a lot of deep breathing, focusing on my topic points and I try to change eye contact from time to time with the people I am

  10. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?
    When I have to speak in public I tend to prep for it in advance. I either write down in its entirety what I want to say of create an outline with general talking points if it needs to be more free-form. I also practice a lot of deep breathing, focusing on my topic points and I try to change eye contact from time to time with the people I am

  11. Write some intention statements about what you will do to become a better writer or note taker.
    I intend to use the steps of power writing to improve my writing. I intend to edit and revise my papers to improve their quality. I intend to improve my writing skills by making good and thorough outlines before I start writing the first draft. Note taking is the most critical necessity for success in passing your college courses. I intend to use telegraphic sentences to save time. I intend to use Cornell notes to improve the organization of my notes. I intend to base my note taking strategies off of my professors lecturing style in order to improve the efficiency of my notes.

  12. Psychologist and philosopher William James said, “The essence of genius is knowing what to overlook.” How can you take steps toward being a genius by being selective at school, at work or in your personal life?

    Being selective at school, work or in personal life helps us all stay on track with accomplishing the necessary things that must be prioritized. There are many things that need to be done in one day and sometimes it feels like there are never enough hours in the day to accomplish what our initial intention was for. It is critical to remember that perfection seldom has its rewards and to just get the main things done so that we can keep moving and not worry about the little things in life at school, work or even in personal life.

  13. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?

    Public speaking has to be one of the most terrifying things for most of us to overcome, yet even experienced speakers say after doing speeches hundreds of times that they still get nervous before go up in front to speak. I think that if someone is nervous and needs to relax before speaking in public that it is critical to be prepared more than 100 percent. Prior to the speech, simply reviewing the speech and practicing out loud even many times can make individuals more comfortable speaking in public. Lastly, it is always a good idea to somehow use humor in some way either before or during a speech to sort of break the ice and comfort yourself as well as others.

  14. When it comes to writer's block, the most important thing you can do is just force yourself to get at least some words on the page. They don't have to be any good, even just rambling thoughts concerning your essay topic will be a help. Write down key words as they come to mind, trying to think of the basic points that you want to cover. Once you have some text there you can start to edit and rework what you've written, and it's so much easier once you're no longer staring at the dreaded “white page”. See if you can lay out the basic structure and headings of your essay using some of the key words that you’ve written, and you may find that your jumbled rambles actually make quite a lot of sense once you clean them up and get them in order.

  15. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?

    Personally, public speaking has been one of the most challenging things for me when it comes to school. I am shy and I have a difficult time making eye contact with people while I'm up in front reciting a PowerPoint. Some ideas on how to relax while speaking in public are: practicing in front of friends or family, being well prepared, do not procrastinate to the last minute. The more you recite your presentation or speech, the more likely you will feel comfortable and confident in front of the class.

  16. In order to be a good note taker, writer, or speaker, you should be selective. It means to be able to pick out the main points first and then identify the supporting details. You need to understand the main points and then focus on the supporting details. When you skim the text, you are making an outline of what the text contained and what you learn. If you want to take note listen carefully to the main ideas and write them down in your note. Highlight the important ideas. In writing, you should write the thesis statement and then provide the supporting details. You have to select what is important and try to analyze. The supporting details develop the main ideas. It means it shows the relationship between the main point that you select and the supporting details for this point. When you have many things to do, you should choose the thing that is most important and do it first because if you want to be like genius, you should be selective and able to take steps to organize your life.

  17. You should learn how to relax when you have presentation. In the beginning you feel anxious, so you can take five or three mints to breath and then start to speak. Once you start speaking, anxiety will generally decline. You will have self-confident in speaking by experience. When you want to prepare your speech, you should start with a statement that tells what your speech is about. You suppose to have main body of the speech consists of four or five main points. Try to summarize and review the key points of your speech in your occlusion. You will feel comfortable if you practice your speech, and keep your eyes contact with the audience with a smile in your face. If you have any equipment needed in the presentation make sure you arrange them before you start. Try to wear comfortable clothes. If you made a mistake, keep your sense of humor.

  18. Write some intention statements about what you will do to become a better writer or note taker.

    To become a better writer I will be more organized and not only write whats on the board but also what the teacher is saying. In other words, being selective is the best way to take notes. By mainly writing down the main ideas and topics .Make sure to recognize the most important topics and to highlight or underline them. Also, to revise and edit your notes will help be easier to memorize.

    1. I agree Ashley. I have found it extremely helpful when being selective and taking notes. Writing down the main ideas and topics is not only helpful for remembering what the lecture was about but it is also a helpful study tool for future reference. I do need to practice editing my notes as sometimes they get a bit sloppy and as a result harder to review. You have great ideas Ashley thank you!

  19. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?

    Being prepared, breathe deeply, and admit to yourself that you are anxious or nervous. Being prepared will help you know that you know all the information you are going to cover and will not have to worry about making something up on the spot because you are not prepared, Breathing deeply will relax your mind and body and put you in a confident mood. Admitting that you are anxious will help you overcome your fear and hopefully boost your confidence.

  20. Psychologist and philosopher William James said, “The essence of genius is knowing what to overlook.” How can you take steps toward being a genius by being selective at school, at work or in your personal life?

    Being selective is very important to me. In lectures, speeches and even writing a term paper, I try to determine the key points and main ideas. That way, when I take notes or get ready for my speech, or write a paper, I can prepare better as it is organized and is easy to follow. Writing everything that the professors say or writing facts all over the paper is not a good idea. I have to write a draft or do a free writing before writing my actual paper or preparing a speech so that I can gather my thoughts and organize what I want to cover. I have to be selective about what I need to discuss that way people reading my work and/or listening to my speech do not lose focus. Being selective also works at work and in my personal life. Prioritizing and deciding the needs versus the wants and the most important from the least important task to do, things to buy is key in being better.

  21. Many students have difficulties with writing assignments because of writer’s block. Read the section on writer’s block in the text and comment on some ideas that you can use to overcome it

    Public speaking is terrifying for me. Speaking in front of a crowd is nerve wracking. What I do to handle my anxiety is to try to relax. I drink a glass of water before speaking while reading over my speech/notes. Once I start, I usually get less nervous after the first few sentences. I also practice a lot, everywhere. I would say it all the time so that I do not forget key notes and what I want to cover. But what helps me most is when I practice in front of someone or a couple of friends/peers. Their creative criticism will also help me too as far as revising and organizing my speech that way I am better prepared which in turn makes me less nervous.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I couldn't agree with you more. You wrote the words I could not find to say. "If you write everything down, you can be missing out on the main points and ideas are." VERRRRY GOOD! you must be selective. keeping your notes organized is also some great advice on not taking.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I wouldn't say I am afraid of public speaking but like anyone I do get nervous and anxious. I believe I have learned a few tricks and steps to take though, when speaking in public or delivering a speech in general. I believe the first step is to be prepared and practice diligently before speaking. With preparedness comes calmness and in the end when I have prepared to great lengths I have excelled in my speeches. Another thing to do is to accept nervousness and to then practice staying calm in nervy situations.

  25. I am currently taking Public Speaking class. One way to deal with the anxiety is to tense your muscles, then relax them. This in turn relaxes you with the chemicals your muscles release. Its important not to focus too much on what you are doing or feeling while you deliver a speech, but focus on what you are saying and the message that your audience is receiving. Keep a look out for facial expressions of the audience to know if they are confused so you can clarify something. Always outline your speech beforehand and practice a few times. Its not a good idea I think to imagine people in their underwear while you deliver a speech. It doesn't make you less nervous, it just makes you embarrassed.

  26. The aspect of my writing that I could most improve is not putting it off to the last second. I have written very few essays before the night before its due. Sometimes, thats just how I work best. However, it would be wise to get out of that habit. I will proofread my work before i turn it in. I will have someone else also proofread my work. I will make sure that the structure of my essay complies with the instructions of the professor and that it stays on topic.

  27. When I would first give speeches in high school I would be very nervous because I was shy a person. I would start sweating, my hands would clam up and my heart would be beating so pound I thought other people could here it. Eventually I got a little better as my confidence grew. However I haven't given a speech in years and I feel just as nervous as I did when I was a freshmen. I feel better after reading this chapter because it gave me a few ideas of how I can be less nervous while giving a speech. The best advice of all was to be prepared for it, and to use breathing exercises if I do start to feel the pressure of public speaking.

  28. Writers block is a serious thing and everybody experiences it at some point. There are few things you can do to help you with this here are some... take a break from writing and work on something else, try writing a little at a time so you don't get overwork, and many more. I would recommend trying all the ways if you need to. When would get writers block I would go work on some other home work or even just stop working on the essay and pick it up the next day. It worked pretty well because since it was a new day you had new things happen to you, and you might have a new view on what you were writing. Also starting ahead of time would give me plenty of time to do this just in case of writers block.

  29. Some intention statements in order to become a better writer or note taker: I will familiarize myself with the topic I am leaning or writing about. I will set the pace with identifying a topic. I will then write freely what my thoughts are and take out what is not necessary when I am reviewing my rough draft. I will write my three main points and expand on those with relevant details. Once I have finished my rough draft I will ask someone to proof read it, edit it and rewrite it again. By the time I do this a few times I should have a very well polished paper that I could be proud of.

    As for speaking in public, I have some experience doing this now. The way that I prepare for speaking, or should I say, the way I began, was that I wrote out my speech. I first wrote out the main message I wanted to get across, followed by a funny story, to break the ice, and make sure I had captioned the audience. Then I wrote out details and read the speech over and over. I practiced it in the mirror, and then I practiced it in front of my kids. Yes, unusual, but I think children are a hard crowd to get through to and if they thought it wasn't that great, then maybe I needed to change it. In my defense, they are now 10 an 12. While speaking, I don't look at the crowd. I find something to focus on while I am speaking or I gaze above their heads. This way I avoid uncomfortable looks. I tell myself that i am confident and the I am delivering a very important message. I also tell myself that it i up to me to get the message across.

  30. Many students have difficulties with writing assignments because of writer’s block. Read the section on writer’s block in the text and comment on some ideas that you can use to overcome it.

    I often have trouble with writers block. Anytime I begin an essay, I get stuck trying to figure out my first sentence. When this happens the first thing I do is brainstorm. I find that this method always helps me when I have writers block. Writing out all my ideas that are in my head helps me to visually see where I can begin. After having brainstormed ideas I then begin to break down the essay into smaller parts. So, usually after brainstorming I start with the body of the essay because that is what I have the most information on first. Then I would go on to finish either the introduction or conclusion next.

    1. Hello Marie-Jo, I always have writer's block when I need to write an essay. Even if it's a one page essay I still have writer's block. In my last English class my professor gave us some tips on how to get our ideas flowing. She really challenged her student's to come up with new thoughts and ideas she had never seen before. I found her requirements to be creative pretty challenging because I was already having a hard time accepting the idea of writing an essay and dealing with the idea I was going have writer's block, again. One of the tips my English professor has suggested was to brainstorm by using a mind map. I found this method really helpful because I would write my first ideas that came to mind on my mind map. I would then put away my mind map away for a few hours or for a day and then I would come back to it and re-read what I had written. After reading my first thoughts I was able to think of even more creative ideas and thoughts from first ideas I had written.

  31. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?

    I am currently taking a public speaking class and I do get nervous before giving a speech. However, I have learned some tips on how to relax. I tell myself that I am nervous but I know that everyone else presenting their speech is nervous too. It is only human nature to get nervous, its normal. With that said, I also tell myself to not expect perfection. If I expect perfection and I end up messing up my speech, I will feel horrible. So I let myself know that its okay to make mistakes. I know that with more and more experience, I will gradually gain more confidence and do better.

  32. Psychologist and philosopher William James said, “The essence of genius is knowing what to overlook.” How can you take steps toward being a genius by being selective at school, at work or in your personal life?

    William James is saying that the truly brilliant people are those who are able to discern key points from an abundance of information. If you can identify the most important points of a lecture or body of work you will be able to better retain that information. Exams only contain questions pertinent to the most crucial ideas in a given chapter, since we are not being tested on every point made in a book for instance, are time is best spent trying to predict what questions will be asked of us on an exam.

  33. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?

    When it comes to being relaxed in public speaking it is important to be reassured by practice and repetition. I am an excellent orator but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get nervous every time I got in front of people to give a speech. I practice my speeches over and over until I feel so confident in my ability to give the speech that my nerves are eased. I don't use any special techniques when I give my speeches I just make sure that my presence is known. I project my voice and once the first couple of sentences leave my mouth I begin to calm down. My biggest advice to people who are called upon to give speeches is to not care what anyone thinks about you or your speech, just be confident in the content of your speech and the timbre of your voice.

  34. Do you have any ideas about how to relax while speaking in public?

    I've been avoiding taking public speaking for a while. Probably the number one reason why many people avoid it too, because we're nervous / scared of speaking in front of other people. When I was in elementary school I didn't feel as nervous as I do now when I would have to speak in front of other people. I think most of my nervousness sparked from being picked on by my class-mates in elementary school because I would speak too fast or because I would sometimes pronounce words with an accent since I am bilingual. However, as I've grown up, I have come to realize being able to speak in front of a public confidently is very important. Some tactics I use when I have to speak to a group of people is take a deep breath and tell myself that I can do it. If I make a mistake with a word I try not to apologize and get embarrassed, instead I try to correct myself without stopping my speech. Another tactic I try to use often is to make eye contact with everyone.

  35. The meaning of this quote is to pick out both the main and key points or to prioritize according to importance. This is a great quote because it is useful in many different areas of school and in life in general. Being selective will help in being a better note taker by taking down the key points during a lecture. It will help in managing time by choosing to do the most important things first, and arranging your schedule accordingly. Taking the major points in school and in life will help lead to success and better help you to remember the details.

  36. To be a genius at life-- I would first have to cut back the less important details in my life. In school, especially in note taking, I don't have to write down everything the teacher says word for word, I should only write down what is important and what might come up on the test. I don't need to make things complex with unnecessary information added to everything, I can cut back and still retain what is important so I don't get overloaded by information, especially useless stuff. And when I only have the bare essentials, I can better memorize them without wasting my time on the unnecessary stuff.

    1. I lied your response it is good to use memorization at a point.

  37. Speaking in public can cause a lot of anxiety for many people but there are several ways to help deal with such anxiety. Firstly, by making sure to be well prepared you will have less anxiety and be ready to speak. Prior to starting it is also helpful to take several deep breaths in order to help you to relax. Next you can reassure yourself that it is okay if the speech is not perfect and to just do your best. A few steps to prepare are write the beginning, middle, and then end, review your speech, and rehearse out loud.

  38. To better relax when speaking in public, I need to take deep breaths before I begin so I don't trip over my words in panic. I should also have had the speech written a week prior to the presentation so I feel more confident in it. If I had a week to learn my speech, I would know better what things need to changed. I should also read my speech in front of a mirror to better memorize it. I can tell myself encouraging things so I won't be as nervous and should also try to remember that the rest of class have to make a presentation too so I'm not the only person going through this.

  39. Relaxing myself during public speaking is very easy because of one of the high schools I went too. High Tech High really prepared us for public speaking. We were taught what to do with our hands and where to look in the crowd to make it more comfortable for us. Examples of things I do while public speaking are making eye contact with people I have already talked to and incorporating my hands into my speech. Some people feel like they can't look at their flash card while during a speech. That is what the flash card is there for! It is a guide in case you forget what you are talking about. It is okay to take a look at it so do not be afraid.

  40. So I do not know why but so far during college I have not been able to get into the college mindset. I do not know how to get my foot into the college door and could really use some help. My thoughts of college are, if any of my assignments are late oh well I'm SOL and can't do anything about it. Some of my professors are okay with some late work but not a lot. Also when I am late with an assignment I kind of give up. I'll keep trying to push myself to not forget about important homework assignments.

  41. Try using a calendar with all your assignments and begin early. You are doing well with this course, so you have your foot in the door. Remind yourself of you lifetime goals as a motivator.

  42. How do you study for a math test/exams?

    The best way I have personaly learned to take exams is to isolate yourself to a room with complete silence. or a place with no interuptions or distractions. I personally cant be in my room to study because my comfy bed will just make me fall asleep, I have to be sitting up at a table or in a chair. So I choose my kichen table. I lay out all the necessary materials I need to help me study for the exams. I put snacks and drinks on the table so I am not tempted to get up because I am thirsty or I get hungry. I put my headphones in because listening to music is what helpe me stay focused. I do turn my phone onto airplane mode though so I have no distractions from social medias or my friends. That's the best way for me to study.

  43. I know in order to become a better writer and a note-taker must have preparation and repetition of the same writing meaning must always take notes and perfect the notes in order to become a better note-taker and for writer just keep writing over and over again. i believe to relax while speaking in public is good to take deep breath and then start speaking. College success has been great for me because I have been helped through a program called EOPs and they have contributed and helped me in succeeding.

  44. What Ill do to become a better student and writer is to participate more and take lots of notes so that when I get home I can narrow it down. I know that information changes situations so when I take down a lot of notes I am also remembering what i learn so that it'll be easy for me. I believe to relax while speaking in public the individual must take a good breather and paste then get ready to execute and say that he or she has to say whether its a speech or a group assignment. College success has been great for me because of EOPZS which is a program that I am in and they have helped me in many ways to know what to major in and accomplish my goals efficiently.

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