Monday, April 6, 2015

Chapter 9, Test Taking, April 6-12

Please read the chapter on test taking and make comments on two of these questions:

1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,”  This 3 minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.”  Share your comments on the video.  Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general?  

3. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

3. How do you study for a math test?

4. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

7. Comment on another student's post. 


  1. The way i study for a math test is first turn off my cell phone to decrease any distractions it may cause. Second, write all the formulas i need to know for the test on flash cards and memorize them (flashcards are very helpful when trying to memorize math formulas). Third, I go through the practice test and do each problem, I then go through my notes and read all the examples the teacher provided in the lecture notes. Finally, I redo the practice exam as a test, and at this time i should be able to finish it fast and know everything thats on there.

  2. The ideal way to review for a test would be to go through all the notes material that the teacher discussed in class and make sure that you are familiar with all of them and know them all. The second thing is to go through the homework and make sure that you can answer everything and understand all the material on the homework. Lastly, make flashcards of the most important things that you think will definitely be on the test and go over them multiple of times until it is time to take the test, by then you should be very prepared and very familiar with everything on the test.

  3. There are many ways to help you ease your anxiety for a test. One way I suggest to do so is by you getting some exercise so that you can release some of the stress hormone and be able to better relax. You should also take some long deep breaths prior to the exam as well as during the exam to also aid in relaxing your body. Next, make sure that you are well rested so as not to cause any more unnecessary stress or distraction from the exam. Lastly I would recommend not to fight your anxiety, rather accept it and work through it.

  4. For students who think they are not good test takers, I would suggest making sure that they are well prepared for class and attend all of them. This way they can ensure that they received all of the information that can and will be on the exam. Along with attending class I would suggest to make sure they take good notes so that they can later review and study from. I would also tell them to try studying in a group or by using flashcards. They should also review some of the guessing tip suggested such as: choosing the middle answer or "all of the above." Lastly, take a deep breath, relax, and trust yourself.

  5. 6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    My best idea for studying for an exam is to make faux tests and using them to study. Nothing to me is better than actually taking a test to study for a test. This way whatever you do not understand and or get wrong you can focus on studying those more. It is also good to make flashcards to help prepare for an exam. I like flashcards because they can be made easily, they are effective, and you can carry them with you wherever you want to since they are lightweight.

    1. Testing yourself is a great way to prepare for exams. Good job!

  6. 5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    Cramming has many disadvantages. Cramming can cause confusion and stress you out. It is hard to try and retain all of that information at one time. Cramming is also bad because you will forget most of the material you learned because you do not have the amount of time needed to master what you are learning. You can easily avoid cramming by starting to study weeks before the test. You can break studying in to small fragments and slowly master all of the content. You should always try to avoid cramming because it is not an effective way to study and will result in poor performance.

  7. How do you study for a math test?

    When I prepare for a math test I make sure I attend every class. I schedule a time and place were I can focus. For example, I love to study at the library. Being at the library gives me time to relax and get assignments done. I make sure when I'm at class that I pay close attention and ask for help when I need it. Sometimes I stay after class and get help by the tutor or teacher so that way I complete my assignments. Making flash cards and playing math games help me remember math concepts and procedures. Before the final math test I make sure I also get good sleep the day before and a good breakfast.

    1. Hi Shaylene. I thought it was interesting that you often study at the library - and even seem to enjoy doing so. I've tried to study there a couple of times at the tables, but I find that having people continually walking around me (and often talking to each other) completely destroys my focus. Do you have any tips that you have found to be helpful in keeping your concentration when others are around? I really struggle if I'm not on my own. I've even considered using sound-blocking headphones when I'm forced to study in a public place, but I haven't had a chance to try that one out yet.

    2. Hi Shaylene,

      Thank you for these tips! I don't usually study in a library since Im not very good at studying in public places but it definitely an ideal place to study since there are many resources in the library. Making flash cards is also a good idea. This is how I remember formulas and what they are for. I also find practicing problems are very helpful as well. Especially word problems. I am not very good at them so practicing enables me to somehow spot the similarities and solve the problem.

  8. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

    To review for a test, I think its important to use review tools. For example using flash cards, filling in the blanks and having study groups can help you. You should immediately review so that way you can store information in your long term memory. You should review the main points, look over your notes, supporting points and examples. Make sure that you brake down your chunks of work so that way you don't overwhelm yourself. Predict test questions and quizzes to have a better outlook on what your going to be assessed. When you need help be sure to not be shy and ask your teacher or tutor. Closed mouths don't get fed.

  9. How do you study for a math test?
    Studying for a math test is one of the most challenging aspects of studies for most college students. Perhaps the most important thing to do is to simply go to every class and see which method the professor uses to solve problems. It is critical to practice, practice and practice various math problems until the student is completely comfortable with the math chapters prior to the exam. Lastly, math should be studied daily and in small increments to let it absorb as it really is not a suitable subject to cram it all in on the night before the test.

    1. Hello Jeffrey! I learned the hard way when I would miss a math class often. Even missing one class put me behind and unfortunately math is one of those topicsI can't easily teach myself. On days when I feel exhausted to go to class in the evening I always motivate myself by telling myself if I miss one class I will fall behind and risk getting a bad grade.

  10. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    There are many disadvantages to cramming for tests. First of all, the cramming can cause severe stress to a student that is really not necessary and is avoidable. Cramming for tests typically results in the information being dumped from your brain after the exam and this is important because when the information is repeated on the mid-term and final-exam then the student will have to re-study or re-learn all the material over again and wasting perhaps more time than an effective semester study program. Therefore, the best way to avoid cramming is to simply study daily in little increments, as opposed to cramming it all in at one time.

  11. When I’m studying for an exam, the first thing I do is find a quiet place to study, at a time when I know I won’t be interrupted. I then go over my notes from the class, looking for key concepts and any specific ideas that the professor has commented on. I also go through the main headings in my textbook, checking to make sure that I haven’t overlooked any of the basic concepts from the class. Once this is all done and I've constructed a test review outline, I then ask myself questions or try practice problems to make sure that I fully grasp each of the areas that I've highlighted. This not only helps me to review the whole course quickly, but it also serves to point out any areas of weakness. Those specific areas are then where I focus the majority of my remaining review time.

  12. If you are feeling stressed out or nervous before a test that's normal. There are a few ways to combat that test anxiety such as arriving early before test so that you could walk around or review some notes before hand. Always make sure that you allow yourself ample time to study for a test because cramming studying a day before the test causes a lot of anxiety. Before you start taking the test try to taking 10 deep breaths if you feel, and if you get stuck on a question that's fine just move on to the next problem. Eat a light meal before a test so you're not feeling hungry and focus better. Don't eat too much because eating a lot makes you tired. Over all find out what is going to be on the test and study a lot, that's the best cure for test anxiety.

  13. There are a lot of good ways to review for a test like making flash cards or reviewing your notes over a period of time to help memorize the information that you could be tested on. Some professors offer study guides to students for test and some also offer study groups too, possibly for extra credit. If you have notes from class and some notes you wrote while reading your text book it is help to organize these notes and revise them. Give your self like a week to study for the test this will help minimize anxiety and you should do well on the test.

  14. What are some suggestions for dealing with test anxiety?

    Test taking is very nerve-wracking for some people. There are different ways to deal with test anxiety such as having a positive mind. Keeping a positive mind is very important. When taking a test and being pessimistic about the results, naturally, we do not perform very well. It is also important to acknowledge your anxiety and take deep breaths. This will help relax you so that your mind will be clear as possible when taking the exam. It is also advisable to answer the easy test questions first rather than do the questions chronologically. This way, you can be more efficient with your time. Although there are quite a few ways to deal with test anxiety, it is recommended to get some help.

  15. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    The best way to deal with test anxiety is to be prepared. We only fear a test when we are unsure of how we will perform on it. By taking the requite time to study course material and be well versed in the subjects of the test, we will see that our nerves tend to be eased. Its ok to be nervous or even anxious prior to a test, tests are very important and more often that not can severely hurt your grade more than they can help. I tell myself that I need at least 4 solid days of studying depending on the length or rigor of an exam. If you can get out of the habit of procrastinating,your test results will begin speaking for themselves and the more success you enjoy the less you'll be worried for future exams.

    1. Yes, the better prepared you are for an exam, the less anxiety you will likely have. A little anxiety is actually good because it serves as a motivator. Good job!

  16. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    There are many disadvantages of cramming for an exam. Cramming puts unnecessary pressure and stress on individuals prior to taking a test. In cramming for an exam we cut corners and skip key information in order to quickly prepare ourselves in a short time span. This almost certainly leads to lesser test results, all of which could have been avoided had the individual taken the requisite time to prepare for the exam. When we procrastinate in studying for a test we force our brain to process large sums of information at one time, and we end of sleeping less because we are up later than we ought to be trying to squeeze in more information.

    1. I agree with your post David. When we cram we don't spend a sufficient amount of time on key material which leaves us at a disadvantage come test taking time. I also agree this does lead to worse test scores and in the end the time we didn't spend preparing really hurts us in the long run. Getting enough rest both physically and mentally is important for getting the right test results. Cramming does indeed limit our resting time in that people who cram probably stay up late the night before, its best not to procrastinate and have a proper study plan.

    2. The biggest problem with cramming is that information cannot be properly stored in long-term memory. It is also stressful and counterproductive. Good posts!

  17. In order to be ready for the exam we should first, attending classes from the beginning of the semester because it helps us involved in learning and to know what to expect on tests. If I have many chapters to read, I should manage my time and don’t leave it until the last day. We should read every day one chapter or two it depends on the time we have before the test, and how many chapters we have. It is so important to review what we study on the second day. Also review the note we took in the class, and what the instructor said because it expect it on test. Review the handouts that the instructor distributes to the class. Ask the instructor what material is to be covered on the test and what kind of test it is. We should turn each bold-faced heading into a question and read to answer the question. The most efficient way to review is an immediate review because it is the first step in storing information in long-term memory

  18. Some suggestions for dealing with test anxiety are: you should do some physical exercise because it helps you to feel relaxed and energized. It is so important to get a good night sleep before the test in order to prevent anxiety and confusion. You should take a few deep breaths immediately before the test and hold them for three to five seconds. Imagine yourself walking into the exam room, and See yourself taking the exam calmly and confidently. Admit that you are anxious, and start to stop it and focus on the test. If you did the easy questions first, this make you feel relax, and then do the difficult question. It is not the end of life if you take a poor grade. Think about how you can improve your preparation and performance the next time.

  19. One idea that would be helpful would be to give yourself some time to study. A sufficient amount of time would be about a week. This would allow for your brain to be able to store this information in the long term memory, which would allow for you to access this information during the test and to score higher. Another idea would be to pick the moderate answer as oppose to the extreme answers. This is because the extreme answers are more likely to be incorrect and the moderate ones are more likely to be correct. This second option should be used when you are not sure of the answer.

  20. Some suggestions for dealing with test anxiety are to get enough sleep, eat a healthy breakfast with complex carbohydrates and proteins, exercise, and to think of a calm soothing place or to daydream. By getting enough sleep you are allowing your body to rest and gain energy to help you to focus. Next by eating a healthy breakfast full of complex carbohydrates and proteins, your body will take a longer time to digest this food which will give you more energy longer. Then, by exercising your body is burning those hormones that cause anxiety, this also helps you to stay focused and energized. Lastly by daydreaming or thinking of a calm place, you forget about your anxieties and become calm which will help you to focus on the test and not worry.

  21. 4. What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    The ideal way to review for a test is to study ahead of time. Study every day little by little. Try not to cram a lot of information at one because it is hard to remember the information that way. Think positive, relax, eat well, and do whatever you do that helps you focus the most. If its listening to music, eating, having the TV on. Most importantly try to avoid an all-nighter and get a good sleep before an exam.

  22. 3. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    Being relaxed, don't over think, and being prepared are the best suggestions I have for dealing with test anxiety. You want to be confident for your test to reduce your anxiety by knowing that you have prepared and are ready for your test. Also, by getting a good rest of sleep and not taking the test with an empty stomach would help take your mind off the anxiety.

  23. How do you study for a math test?

    To successfully study for a math test, I start by attending every lecture. Every lecture is important information I may potentially may me tested on. I always make sure to right neat and organized notes to study, otherwise having sloppy and unorganized notes can become frustrating. If my professor hands out handouts, I usually ask for an extra copy or if I can print them off online I usually print extra copies to try them on my own. I have found the information that is on the handouts professors give out are what they usually test us on. Another study technique I use often is highlighting or using symbols on my notes to draw attention to information I know I will be tested on. If the professor I have allows a note card during a test I make sure to write down the information I know I will be tested on and review the note card often so I can store the information in my long-term memory.

  24. Some ways of dealing with anxiety can be to make sure you have a good nights sleep. Another way that was suggested on college scope was to make sure you own up to the anxiety and recognize that you are anxious, after that, thinking positive thoughts can help relieve some stress about the test. Another recommendation was to go over all the easy questions on the test first and take care of all of those.

  25. Best way to study for exams will be to make sure that you attend all classes. When attending classes, paying attention and taking notes will help when it comes down to studying. After classes, reviewing the notes immediately after class can help with test perorations later because you will be keeping up with the content vs cramming everything in last minute.

  26. To study for a math test, you must first of all always attend your classes. In math you can get lost easily, when you are attending each class you are learning the material that will be on the test and you won't fall behind. You should always do your math homework, doing the homework serves as practice for the test, usually one or two questions from the homework shows up on the test. You should break down the study sessions weeks before so you don't end up cramming them on the last day. You should get a good night sleep so you are well rested and ready for the test the following day.You should review what you learned as soon as you get home so it will stay fresh in your head and you should always ask questions if you don't understand because it might make an appearance on the test.

    1. Good summary of ideas for studying for a math test. As you point out, attendance is really important. Good job!

  27. Some of the disadvantages for cramming for a test is that you might get stressed and perform poorly. When you cram you're focusing on the bare essentials because there is no time to study the details so when you do end up taking the test you might miss out on a lot. Cramming can lead to stress and pulling an all nighter which will lead one to perform badly. To avoid cramming, you can stop procrastinating by dividing your study sessions over time where you take in little information by reviewing and retaining the info instead of only learning them forcefully into one time block.

  28. Taking a math test can be difficult but some ideas in this chapter have opened my eyes on how to properly prepare for a math test. These ideas include writing down key information on an index card neatly so as to use in a test situation. Also, reviewing formulas before a test and immediately writing them on the test is helpful. Another useful tip is completing the easier problems first. These tips and many others given in the chapter will help on a math test.

    1. Great I agree with writing down major key point on index card because when reviewing when constantly looking at that index card it begans to be stored in your memory. Yes completing the easy problem first is key so that you don't have to be focused all on one hard problem and lose concentration

  29. The best way I study for an exam is finding a quiet place to study. It is also best to be in class so you do not miss any information. If I have any questions I go to my schools tutoring enter, I ask a friend, or I go to my professor and ask for help. Always complete homework that is assigned and review notes before and after class, as well as whatever is assigned for the lecture the day of class. I try not to cram everything the night before a test because I will stay up longer and have test anxiety. It is important to get a good nights rest before an exam as well.

  30. The most effective way of cramming begins with being very selective of the material being reviewed. Because we don't retain much of the information in our long term memory without proper review, this might not be the best way to study for a test. However, many people do very well using this method. Focusing on the class notes and studying the summary sheets will be useful. If flashcards have been made, these will come in handy as well. Focus on vocabulary related to the topic and get enough rest. Eat a well balanced meal and try to avoid caffeine. Planning ahead will be most beneficial in order to get a better grade.

    In order to effectively deal with stress anxiety, it is important that you make yourself comfortable with the location of where you are taking the test. Breathe deeply or possibly do some physical exercise to calm your anxiety. Be prepared. It can avoid many of the embarrassment of having to ask others for scantrons or a pencil to get your test completed. Use self praising and positive talk. See yourself passing the test. Set your alarm and have a back up just in case. Arriving early is also important. Manage your time and read the test instructions carefully. Breathe... breathe... I always remember that something has had to stick!

  31. In dealing with test anxiety, the book suggests that you focus your thoughts on the positive side. They say that if you believe in your mind that you will fail, than you inevitably will. The key is to think positively. It is also a great idea to prepare well for tests, that way you know that you have prepared all you can and you can feel confident going into the test. To help with nerves, it's a good idea to do some physical activity before your test and get a good nights sleep beforehand.

  32. Any student that would consider themselves as a substandard test taker would find a goldmine of helpful information in this chapter. It covers all of the aspects of test taking, from emotional well being to what to do if you are really stuck and don't know an answer. It also covers pretty much every type of test that teachers are likely to give whether it be true or false, essay questions, or the standard multiple choice. If a person doesn't tend to do well on tests and need some tips on how to improve their chances at a good score, this chapter really is helpful.

    1. Thanks for your positive comments on the test taking chapter!

  33. In the video the main thing that the navy seals do that relates majorly in college and in life in general is goal setting. There is goal setting taking place before or to plan out a certain mission for navy seals and in school goal setting is great to plan the next problem. For a student to become a good note taker he/she must have a pencil and pen ready and began to form study habits. While listening and hearing take notes down and memorize it. Some ideas to reduce test anxiety would have to be being prepared, approaching the exam with confidence, avoid cramming, get a good nights sleep, don't go to the exam with an empty stomach, and choose position to help a student relax. The best ways for studying for an exam would have to be taking good notes, start studying as a habit, ask what will be on the exam in order to prepare well.

  34. In response to the Navy Seals Test Stress Reduction video my thoughts on how the discussed techniques can be used in college and in life in general are that the concepts definitely relate to school and life. The stress control techniques that the video discusses that the Navy teaches are for, “when the world is on fire” essentially its so that soldiers can manage stress even in very difficult circumstances. They suggest four techniques that are Goal Setting, Mental Rehearsal, Self Talk and Arousal Control. The one that the video discussed in depth was Goal Setting. Essentially the steps include setting clear and attainable goals and working in a methodical step-by-step manner to accomplish said goal until it is accomplished at which time you set another manageable goal. It’s simple, powerful, and ultimately achievable and can be used to deal with school stress and stress in everyday life.

  35. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    Some of the ways that I avoid test anxiety are taking good notes and making an outline to help me process through the information I think is most pertinent. I try to break the information down into understandable concepts and then try to systematically study the information in advance of the test. Being and feeling well prepared for a test is one of the best ways to combat test anxiety.

  36. The best way I study for a math test is first find a quit place to study. I cant study in my room because I will fall asleep so I prefer the kitchen table where I can sit up straight, have good lighting, and I can lay everything out that I need to study for this math test. I always like to have some snacks and a drink at the table because I do get hungry when I am studying but I want to try and not get up as much as possible or illuminate any distractions that try to get in the way and by doing that , I put my headphones in and listen to music. Music has always helped me stay focused and I get a lot done. Get a goods nights rest the night before the test and make sure youe at a big and healthy breakfast so you tummy and brain are nice and full.
