Monday, April 27, 2015

Chapter 12, Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle, April 27-May 3

Chapter 12 contains health information for college students in the areas of nutrition, avoiding addictions, protection from disease, getting enough sleep and dealing with stress. It is based on the premise that we will be living longer in the 21st Century. Also a college education is a big investment and it is important to enjoy the benefits over a long lifetime.

Here are some ideas for discussion. You can also add any topic related to health or college and career success. You can make one comment of 200 words or two comments of 100 words each.

These facts are well known: 

•         Smoking causes lung cancer.
•         One out of three Americans is overweight or obese.
•         Illegal drug use is addictive and limits success.
•         Not getting enough sleep is harmful to health and learning.
•         Not practicing monogamous or safe sex can lead to STD’s including AIDS.

Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health. 

Watch any of these videos and make a comment about one of them:

I wish all of you good health! 


  1. If I assumed that I am writing a magazine article titled , "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would I include in this article? The first idea I would include in this article is that the importance of getting enough hours of sleep every night. For example, researches show that adults who sleep 7-9 hours a night tend to be in a better mode and concentrate and remember much more things and be in a better health than those who sleep less than 7 hours. The second thing I would include in this article is the importance of eating fruits and vegetables everyday. A lot of people are not very friendly with eating fruits and vegetables, but they are very important to the body, brain and the health as well. The third thing I would include in this article is the importance of eating less fast food, and eating more of home cooked food. People can not trust fast food no matter how good the food tastes or looks. Cooking food at home is a lot more safer and healthier. The fourth thing I would include in this article is the importance of exercising everyday to maintain a good health. The fifth thing I would include in this article would be to keep myself motivated all the times by getting with a group of people and remind myself how important our health is.

    1. Great information for maintaining good health! Good job!

  2. The five most important steps to maintaining good health are to get enough sleep, avoid substance abuse such as drugs and alcohol, being safe about sex, exercise, and have a healthy and nutritious diet. To make sure you're getting enough quality sleep you should go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, sleep in a relaxing and dark place, keep gadgets out of the bedroom, and avoid caffeine before going to bed. By avoiding drug use you will be more likely to be ambitious as well as healthier. Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to very serious problems, even leading to death. By getting 30-60 minutes of exercise daily you can increase your life span and your health. For a healthy diet include quality fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein in each meal. By balancing calories with exercise, eating more fruits and vegetables, and limiting soda intake, you will also benefit. Lastly it is extremely important to protect yourself from HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted disease. By doing this you are preventing the spread of unwanted disease to both you and your partner. Avoid sharing needles, razors, and toothbrushes. You can also prevent disease by being abstinent or only have “truly safe sex”.

    1. Good summary of ideas to maintain your good health. Good job!

  3. One in three Americans are overweight or obese. That's insane! Of course this is caused by the eating habits of people in this day and age, but I also think that sleep habits and amounts of stress also contribute to this problem. Being overly tired can make people lazy about what they eat. The less work the better. And having too much stress can cause the same problem, as well as consumption of "comfort foods". Like the book said, soda is the top contributor to obesity in America. Soda has become such a norm; you order a soft drink in almost all restaurants to accompany your meal. They're at every party, and if they're not, then alcohol is, which is also very high calorie and sometimes sugary. It takes some effort for most to be a healthy weight. America will be much better off if that 1/3 of the population who can help it, would do something about their weight.

    1. I agree that obesity is a major health problem. One important step in the right direction is to give up sodas. Good job!

  4. I intend to go to bed earlier so that I can get up earlier to work out in the morning. I don't like exercising in the middle of the day and having to shower twice.
    I intend to cut soda out of my diet completely.
    I intend to add more veggies to my diet, but not completely cut out ice cream.
    I intend to try to keep my life stress-free, or at least get rid of my stress in a healthy way.

  5. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health.

    To improve my health I intend to exercise vigorously. I intend to prevent disease in my life by being careful of what I do and careful of who I surround myself with. I intend to improve my health by being as stress free as possible. I intend to improve my health by maintaining a balanced diet. I intend to improve my health by engaging myself in hobbies that I enjoy. One of the most important things I need to do to maintain my good health is not buy too deep into anyone else’s problems because I have enough of my own. Finally, I intend to improve my health by not doing any drugs or drinking any alcohol.

  6. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    I believe that people continues to keep on doing these activities despite knowing the cons and possible consequences because they are naïve. A lot of people see what happen to others and say, “This will not happen to me because of this or that reason.” People exempt themselves from problems all of the time. Another thing that people like to think is that when the facts are laid out for them they are over exaggerating. They think that these horrible things that happen to people are very rare or worst case scenarios. Finally, some people just do not care about the outcomes of their decisions. They worry about the present instead of the future.

  7. Smoking causes lung cancer

    I believe that smoking does cause cancer. There are actually several ways that cigarettes can kill you. Second hand smoke, and smoking in general can kill you. I did not know that second hand smoking is more harmful than just smoking it yourself. I see a lot of programs, that try to inform youth, because there are many different things that influence young teens. Some people also are influenced by watching celebrities smoke, so they think it’s a good thing to do. Sometimes the fact that they are young and have friends that smoke, they think it’s cool, so they decide to smoke with their friends too. When you start smoking at a young age, it gives you more time to get addicted so it’s harder to stop. My dad has smoked since he was 17 and is now 38 years old, he does not have any signs of cancer yet. Sometimes I think people that smoke believe that they won’t get cancer until its to late. Even though I have been informed of the dangers of smoking and have personally seen people get cancer, I still decide to smoke cigarettes. Personally I think everyone has the right to make their own choices, but there will always be consequences either negative or positive.

    1. Some people can smoke and survive the negative effects. However, I would not take the chance. I lost a sister and father from smoking and my mother has to use oxygen to breathe. It is sad to see people suffer from smoking. It catches up to you later in life.

  8. Why do people continue to smoke, over eat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    It’s quite simple really; when it comes to human nature and a contest between enjoying short term pleasure or avoiding long term cost, we almost invariably choose short term pleasure or value. There are exceptions to this general rule of course since not everyone takes drugs, smokes, or practices unsafe sex, but the basic human tendency to gravitate towards instant gratification is extremely strong.

    As a personal example; I consistently get less sleep than I really should have in order to think clearly and remain healthy. In my case it’s a matter of weighing up the alternatives, and here I’ve placed my desire to get through college more quickly over the need to get enough sleep. It’s a terrible gamble; I work full time in addition to studying, so I’m consciously risking my health in order to make faster college progress, hoping that I can finish up and move forward with my career before my body takes on too much damage. Yikes. It sounds truly horrible now that I’ve actually put that into words, but it’s still a good example of how we humans often risk long term costs in order to accomplish something or enjoy a short term value. I started college late, (I’m 35) so I don’t feel that I have the time to leisurely work my way through my education. I suppose the underlying sense of urgency has tainted my judgment on the issue.

    1. You are very motivated to be successful in college and are accomplishing your goal along with working full time. I congratulate you for being able to do this. I think by writing this post, you are aware of the problems caused by lack of sleep.

  9. I'm a 23 year old male, and I'm 5 feet 10 inches tall, and I weigh 172 pounds. I already work out about 3 to 4 times a week, so keeping healthy is an on going process for me. I do a lot of cardio to start then I roll into legs or arms depending on what I want to do that day. Also sometimes I do whole body work outs going from squats all the way to pull ups and crunches. I need to continues on the road of being healthy by just sticking to my plan. I want to stay healthy by staying away from drugs and alcohol and tobacco. I drink maybe like 2 to 3 times a week, but I feel like this is healthy for my state of mind. I used to smoke cigarettes but I quit those a few years ago. A good way to help my self stay healthy is keep my stress levels down. Sometimes when I get mad I can literally feel my body getting hotter, like my blood is boiling. To combat this I practice stress reducing techniques such as breathing exercises. All in all I just need to keep three thing in mind if I am going to stay healthy. One stay on top of exercising regulary, two keep my mental health strong, and three always keep my stress levels under control. If I do these things I should live a long time, hopefully.

    1. Good ideas here. Be careful about the alcohol though.

  10. Based upon the well known facts that unhealthy decisions lead to many problems then many Americans still continue to abuse their bodies at alarming rates. Smoking of course causes lung cancer and people do it because sometimes it is the cool, hip thing to do around their friends when they are younger or perhaps individuals are looking for some drug, whether it be nicotine or others to wash away their problems and stress or want to party hard. The truth is smoking and illegal drugs cause nothing but serious problems and eventually can lead to premature death. Overweight issues can be genetic, but strict diet, discipline, as well as exercise is necessary to curb weight issues that can also cause severe health problems. STD’s are many times transmitted due to the fact that people think it can’t happen to them and practicing safe sex in this society is mandatory to prevent serious health issues, as well as the dreaded death from AIDS. Lastly, sleep deprivation is something many of us go thru at one time or another in our lives and either time management or prioritizing tasks is essential to getting enough sleep, otherwise education and health will be greatly affected with prolonged sleep deprivation.

    1. Good summary of steps needed to maintain good health. Good job!

  11. In order to maintain a good Health, my meal should include vegetables and fruits, grains and protein. Eating small portions. Increasing my activities. All these will maintain optimum health. Also sleep enough time. I always sleep like 7 to 8 hours. Sometimes I feel satisfied sometimes not. I mean sometimes I feel I need more. I tried to sleep at the same time each night, but sometimes I can't if one of my kids be ill. I tried to avoid eating large meal before bedtime. Actually I drink tea or coffee like 4 hours before bedtime. The important thing to maintain my good health is to choose the best management techniques that work for me. The stress management techniques work best for me is listening to soothing music. I usually listen to the music or song I love to get rid of my stress, and imagine myself in a pleasant place which helps me to relax. Also I use positive thinking Technique. I use to thank God for what I have, and for my beautiful family. Sometimes I tried to discuss my feeling with my friend, but not always. I tried to focus on positive outcomes as much as I can in order to reduce at least some of my stress.

  12. I intend to go on healthy diet.
    I intend to continue exercise.
    I intend to reduce stress.
    I intend to have a will to continue my diet.
    I intend to get enough sleep.

  13. Not getting enough sleep is harmful to health and learning.

    I work 40 hours a week and I use 12.5 hours extra hours of my day for traveling to my work. Since I work very far, I have to get up early and get ready. Not all the time, do I get to go to sleep early since I sometimes have night classes or am doing homework or studying or running errands. I learned the hard way that not getting enough sleep is very unhealthy and takes a toll in someone's life. I used to work a whole lot more and just didn't have the time. Everything was on the go. Even food. I was so unhealthy, I drank so much sodas and was just tired all the time. During that time, I try to take a class and it was just not a good idea. I could barely focus since I was always so tired and stressed out. After this, I realized that I have not value sleep for awhile and that getting a good night's sleep is very important to ones health and learning. Now, I may not be in the best position as of yet but I am definitely getting there. I am currently trying to form a habit in sleeping at the same time at night so that I get enough sleep to help me tackle all the challenges and get through the day.

    1. Thanks for sharing about the need for sleep. I congratulate you for working and finding the time to be a good student also. Keep up the good work!

  14. why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    There are many reasons people continue to smoke and take illegal drugs. One could be that they are curious and want to try it out but may eventually lead to other drugs and can cause addiction. Another could be that it is in there surroundings and feel as if they want to be included and not feel left out so they try it to feel cool but leads to worse. Also, could be that a person feels as if it is a get away or a solution to there problems but eventually leads to worse in some situations. Drug abuse becomes a habit as for overeating does too. When people overeat they may see it as a get away also just like a drug. They want to eat there pain away or just may really like food. When people lack on sleep it could be that they have to much on there mind or stressed out and over think so they cant sleep. There is not only one reason for these topics. To maintain good health one should eat healthy, maintain a good diet, exercise daily, and get a good sleep in order to function correctly.

  15. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    I think one of the reasons that people continue to smoke, overeat, or take illegal drugs is because it allows for them to have some sense of being in control, at least when they first start. As children and teenagers we are always told what to do and not to do and/or what to eat or not eat, then as an adult we have that choice of what we want to do eat. Another reason is that it helps people cope with the stress within their life. For instance, when eating good food you feel better and happy, as a result you tend to turn to food to feel that feeling again. The same goes for smoking or taking illegal drugs, these provide temporary release and happiness. Lastly, people may think that the problems with smoking, overeating, or taking illegal drugs is nothing more than a myth or that they will not develop an addiction to them. Which causes them to not be cautious and second guess whether or not they should engage in these activities. This also applies to people who in engage in unprotected sex. However, another reason why people practice unsafe sex is because they may be pressured to do so by their partner and as result do not want to disappoint them.

    1. I think you are correct is saying that people think they can control the drugs or overeating, but there are many examples of people who lose control. Good job on the posting!

  16. Illegal drug use is addictive and limits success.

    I will share this personal point of view based on my own life experience. I used crystal methamphetamine off and on for ten years. At the beginning of those ten years, I was in my early twenties. I had started college, working as an intern at the South Bay Courthouse as a legal office clerk-bilingual. I was also working part time at the mall (Plaza Bonita). I had my own car, went out with friends and was happy all around. Soon after I started using, I became addicted and barely finished my last college class. I was fired from my job and although I still had a car, I didn't have money for my insurance or the gasoline to drive it. I continued using off and on for the next ten years. I didn't work, lived off welfare for 7 of those years and had no goals. Living an addictive life lead to me feeling like a failure in life. I had not future, my kids had a drug addict for a mom, and I could only provide the minimum necessary things for them. I had no social life because I had no real friends and the real friends didn't like to see me look and act in such a way. My life as not only in limbo for ten years. It was unsuccessful and unfruitful for ten years. In the past 12 and a half years I have made the most changes in my life. But I can honestly and sincerely say that I not only lost ten years; I wasted those ten yeas.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experiences with the class. So glad you are back on track and not using drugs. Good for you!

  17. I wanted to choice the topic of smoking for my post this week. Smoking has become some what of a pandemic in recent times. Cigarettes were huge throughout the 60s to 90s and to this day I do not know of many that smoke them. The crazy amongst my peers is hookah. Being 20 years old and having friends of my age and slightly younger means there are little venues that we can attend to entertain our fancy. More often than not we just want to hangout and talk but the only place we can do that is a hookah lounge. I personally hate smoking and rarely smoke. The times that I have smoked have brought me no enjoyment and have made me truly understand the effects on the lungs smoking has. I try to discourage my friends from smoking but its something of an addiction to them. Furthermore its popularity spurs its use, people think its cool to smoke and take videos of themselves smoking (as if anyone cares). Ultimately I believe something ought to be done about the hookah popularity of our time. I think it would be hilariously awesome if hookah was treated like alcohol and could only be used by people at the age of 21.

    1. I agree that hookah is a growing problem for young people. Having any kind of smoke in your lungs can't be good. We have to get away from the "looking cool" factor, especially with young people. Glad to hear you have resisted.

  18. If I was writing an article about "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health" their would be several things that I would include. The two things I would first write about would be diet and exercise. Maintaining a good exercise and diet is something that you can't just do temporary. Diet and exercise is a lifestyle. Exercising daily and eating 5 meals a day can defiantly lead to a healthy life. The 3 thing I would talk about is sleep. Getting the proper amount of rest can help with the way you function throughout the day. Proper sleep can have many benefits from better focus to better performance. The 4th health tip would be to not stress. If you are stressing alot take a minute or two to focus on your breathing and clear your head. The last health tip would be to pamper yourself. Everyone should take time out of their schedule to dedicate a day to themselves.

  19. What I have analyzed throughout the years, I feel like a lot of bad habits start at a very young age. Especially in the household someone is raised in greatly influences the person’s behavior. For example, a child who is raised by parent or parents who have unhealthy diets can be seen as normal in the child’s eye. The child in the home is in a higher risk of being overweight or obese in comparison to children who have healthy and balanced diets. Besides the influence from the inside of a home, the types of people one surrounds themselves influences them too. A good example of this is students who want to be accepted by a group of cool students. However, sometimes students may be swayed into being seen cool if they engage in smoking, drinking, and taking illegal drugs. A student may tell themselves, “I’ll only try it once.”, even if they know it is against their better judgement. The student may even be peer pressured to try it again and again, eventually turning into an addiction. When we keep feeding our bodies unhealthy stuff, our bodies normally adapt to it and when we deprive them from it people sometimes have psychological breakdowns.These unhealthy behaviors become daily or normal routines to people. We are in control of what we will try or won’t and we are in control to change any habit we deem as unhealthy.

    1. I like your statement about being in control of your life. It is an empowering statement. Good job!

  20. From a very early age up and till a couple years ago, my father had always urged me to go to bed early and get a lot of sleep. He would always tell me, "early to bed, early to rise, healthy wealthy and wise." While just going to bed early and waking up early may not really make these things come true I understood what he was saying. Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do health wise as it gives you the energy to have a successful day, it allows the body to recuperate and heal itself, and it allows for the brain to function at maximum capacity every day. Sleeping late hinders the brain from operating at high levels and it keeps the body in a state of inefficiency as it can not have enough energy to perform challenging tasks on low energy supplies. I believe that what my dad has been telling me for so long is true as sleep is the only time the body can naturally recharge which in turn allows for the body to perform well in every aspect whether that is keeping yourself healthy or having enough energy to go through the day. Overall, sleep is extremely important to a healthy lifestyle.

  21. I think that people tend to continue to smoke, over eat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep and/or practice unsafe sex because they do not look at their life in the big picture, they do these things as instant gratification instead of thinking that it will harm their futures. They live in the present and since doing all the things mentioned above does not harm you immediately, they do not think it will harm them in the future so they continue to keep on indulging in these bad habits. All of these habits will catch up to them in the future and will be harmful to their health.

  22. If I were to write an article titled "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health", I would be sure to include a list of positive habits that others should pick up in order to maintain a good health like getting enough sleep at night, eating healthy by adding fresh fruits and vegetables to their diets and staying dehydrated by drinking lots of water. I would also write about cutting back on alcohol and eliminating smoking so that their bodies still efficient even in old age. I would also add the importance of wearing sunscreen in the daylight to cut back the harmful rays of the sun.

  23. Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health.
    The very first thing I am going to do to maintain or start my good health is my mindset; I want to have a positive mindset when doing this. Having positive mindset changes things in ways one may not see until it hits him/her in the face. I want to make sure I get more than enough hours of sleep when I am ready to go to bed at night. Getting enough sleep makes sure that when you wake up you have a good start to your day; you’re not tired or dreading to wake up. I also want to make sure the breakfast is the very first thing on my mind when I wake up. Eating a breakfast, a healthy one at that gets the brain started and insures the you’re ready to think and start your day and ready to face whatever comes your way. Exercise is a big one! Making sure your body has enough exercise throughout the day insures that you will be in shape and you’re doing what you need to do to live a healthy lifestyle. Managing what I eat will be the next big thing in my change to a good and healthy lifestyle. Watching how much sugar my body intakes and making sure I get more than enough fruits and vegetables in my body daily. I will be more than consistent with these steps for maintaining my good healthy lifestyles

  24. I think obesity is one of those topics that is at first hard to really grasp. I think people always think as they’re growing heavier that obesity is a choice and they could make different choices whenever they choose to and then they will start working towards a healthier lifestyle or that can just stop the destructive eating behaviors but I don’t think it’s that simple and not just because of peoples willpower or lack of willpower either. Assume you’ve been telling yourself you can stop and start eating better and exercising whenever you want and suppose you have the willpower to stop eating obviously unhealthy stuff, potato ships, sodas etc. What about the damage already done to the body and what about the fact that by todays standards even things labeled as healthy foods deceptively labeled are not healthy at all. I have found that when a person does finally commit to their health it is often necessary to overhaul their lifestyle and there needs to be an educational factor involved. Of course, that’s daunting and I think why it’s easy to say “I can stop whenever I want” compared to the reality that changing takes effort and can be scary at first.

  25. I believe people continue to do bad things to their body such as smoking, overeating, and taking illegal drugs is because they do not value their life and don't care for their body. Basically they just here because they are here they have no purpose that is why they are doing it or either they are stressed or find it cool to do so they continue to do these things. Ideas I can include to maintaining a good health is not eating junk food and eating healthy fruits and vegetables for the body and having the right calories in the system. The video dangers of not getting sleep can affect the body and be lazy to get up every morning and not having the best of rest

  26. Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

    Get a good nights rest: It is crucial to get a good amount of sleep each night. Doing so will give you the energy you need to function and get through the day. It also helps your body and brain focus, allowing you perform well in your daily activities. Eat breakfast. Never skip: It is important to always get something in your system when you first wake up. This allows you to get your brain functioning and allows you to get the energy you need to function throughout the day. Drink plenty of water and fluids to keep your body healthy. Be positive: Being stressed won't do you any good. It actually causes you to either lose or gain weight rapidly. Start your day with a positive mindset or read some quotes. Have a healthy diet: Make sure you eat your fruits and vegetables. Do not spend all your time feeding money to fast foods. This will not help you physically or mentally, nor will it help society. It is important to know what you are eating.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.
