Monday, March 16, 2015

Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading, March 16-22

I enjoyed reading about all your goals and time management strategies on the blog last week. Many of you have challenges with work, family, school and social life. Keeping your focus on your priorities, breaking the tasks into small parts and finding a reward will keep you on the right path.

For this week, read the following situations and comment on two of them using ideas from Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading. Have a great week.

1.            You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
2.            In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
3.            You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.
4.            You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
5.            You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
6.            You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
7.            You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
8.            You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
9.            Comment on any other students' posts.  

10.          Comment on the video, Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep


  1. -In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    That would be a tough one, many of the scientific muscle names sound so similar. I would probably try to use the loci/number list method, matching up the 100 muscle names with a standardized list of 100 other items that match up well with the numbers 1-100, such as a candle for number one, a set of twins for number two, a chair with a broken leg for three, etc… I’ve never tried that system of memorization myself, but it sounds intriguing. Of course, you do have to memorize the number set first, (which sounds like a lot of work) but once you have those down it should be possible to use the same number association list to help you remember many other sets of data. I am going to see if I can do this, I don’t have a great memory for lists of items and this could mean a real improvement for me.

    1. Wow required to remember 100 different muscles in the body that's a lot. I'm pretty sure though if you use flash cards or study before hand and not waiting at the last moment I think you would do great. Having positive self talk saying you can do it and trying your best helps a lot . Sounds difficult but its achievable and when you get it all down you will feel so accomplished.

    2. I think that flash cards and learning them a few at a time would be most efficient. As Gabriel mentioned, learning the numbered 100 item list would involve a lot of effort. Some people do it as a way to showcase memory and to put on a show. The value of this technique is that it demonstrates the power of association.

  2. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.

    If I am enrolled in a algebra class that tells that I need to learn and have more experience in algebra. I should not be negative or have bad self talk that I can not do it. When I was younger I did have problem with math but I did not give up. I may not have been good at math but I did try my best and I tried to find ways to at least pass my grade. Doing extra work, turning in my assignments on time, finishing projects and being present. I always have positive affirmations that I am capable to succeed. Maybe I wont pass the class but I should have more motivation and try to study or get a tutor to pass. I know I will not be good at all subjects but I do give my 100% effort in all that I do.

    1. Good answer here. Positive thinking and taking the necessary steps will help to be successful in math which is needed for graduation and good careers.

  3. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    One way to remember the different muscles in the body would be to make flash cards of them and use the method of recitation. Take a few note cards every day and recite them out loud until you remember them. By saying them out loud the flash cards will stick to the long term memory. If that does not work, try to distribute the practice. Try not to remember all 100 flash cards in one day. It will be more practical and useful to just learn a few each day. And if all that studying becomes to much try to relax and take a break.

    1. The important key here is not to try to remember all 100 in a short time. Good answer!

  4. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.

    Some things to help my grandmother keep a healthy brain would to give her some mind strengthening exercises. She could do a jigsaw puzzle or a crossword puzzle to challenge her mind. She could also try to do aerobic exercise to promote blood flow to her brain. Getting more rest and having a balanced diet can also help her maintain a healthier brain. By having a more healthier brain she will hopefully become less forgetful. If those strengthening exercises do not work she can try to use visual clues to remember where things are. For example she could put things next to the door so she wont forget them before she leaves or write notes to herself.

  5. To keep my brain healthy throughout life I would plan on keeping it active through use of math, school, reading, and mind exercise games such as crossword puzzles. I also plan to incorporate physical exercise in my day today plan as that will help keep my body as well as my brain because exercise helps to bring oxygen to the brain. I currently do not drink caffeine or use drugs so that will definitely help to keep my brain healthy, along with limited alcohol intake. Lastly I would make sure to get enough rest so that my brain has enough time to refresh keeping it healthy as well.

    1. Good answer here. These are the best steps you can take to keep your brain healthy throughout life.

  6. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    To help remember all of these scientific names I would use memory tips. The first memory tip that I would try to use is acronyms. I think this is a great way to remember keywords by using the first letter of them and creating a new word. I think this will be very helpful for me. Another tip I would try to use would be writing the names down. I think that by doing this repetitively will help to ingrain it into my memory. Lastly I would try to repeat the names out loud. This like writing them will help embed them in my brain.

  7. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    If I had to memorize 100 different muscles I would make flashcards to help me study. On the front side of the cards I would have the English name of the muscle and the scientific name for it. On the other side I would write the location and function of the muscle. I would keep these cards in my pocket and study them when I have any free time. This way by putting the cards in my pocket they will become a priority, since I will always have them on me.

    1. Yes, by carrying the cards, you can take advantage of small amounts of time and use distributed practice. Good answer!

  8. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.

    If I had to take American History to graduate but I find it boring I would find ways to make it interesting for me. I would make up ways to study to make the learning process at least somewhat satisfying. I most likely would make a study game or study with a friend that I enjoy being around. Even if a class is boring there are multiple ways to try and make the course interesting. Also, you can always remind yourself that the class is required so no matter what you have to take it. That way you at least will make time to study and pass the class because you know you have to.

  9. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    If I had to remember a bunch of different muscles in the body I would use what I have learned in Chapter 7. I would take the worlds and split them into groups and memorize a little at a time. Our brain remembers more when the list is shorter instead of longer. This makes things way less stressful.Study. Study Study. I would also make flash cards and use those to study. Splitting up 100 muscles into groups and breaking it down is not as stressful as looking at a list of 100 muscles and trying to memorize them that way.

  10. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    I just read a chapter and I can't remember what I just read. I would go back to the beginning and read and recite. Read it slowly. Make marks. Use the strategies I learned in Chapter 7 so I can remember what I red. Look at the big picture. Get a better understanding of what it is I just read. Go in a quiet place to read so I have no distractions. Reading and reciting is the best technique I would offer because reading something just once isn't going to give you an understanding of what the text is about. Sometimes I have to read something three or four times more just so I can understand the big picture.

    1. The key idea here is engaging your mind by reciting. Good answer!

  11. -You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    Tackling a 400 page textbook in a month would certainly be challenging, especially since I imagine that this would be in addition to all the other reading material and assignments in my other courses. The only real answer to this problem is to do what was suggested in this chapter and break the task up into manageable sections, reading and reviewing a set number of pages each day. I would try to set aside a specific time for the task, ideally a section of the day when I am not too tired. The difficulty of the textbook material would also have a large bearing on how I studied. If the textbook was on a topic such as history (something that I find fairly easy) I would probably be able to work on reading it late at night. Since this hypothetical example is from a literature class, it would likely need a bit more of my “prime time” than history, although not as much as it would if the textbook were from a statistics or accounting class.

  12. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    Anatomy and physiology class sounds like fun! Not only do I love science and learning about anything and everything around us and beyond us, I also love memorizing! If I was in this class and I was required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body: First, I would try to find a link or a pattern on some of them. Because If I can link two or more of them together somehow, it will enable me to remember more than one. Like, using an acronym perhaps. Like PEMDAS in Math class which is (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally = Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction). I also like to recite things out loud. First by myself and see how much I remember. I would divide it equally and then when I recite it again, I will add more. Sometimes, I recite it in front of a buddy too while he/she hold the list so after he/she can tell me how I did. However, when I don’t have a buddy to study with. My go to way to remember is to write everything down. After studying, I get out a piece of paper and start writing information down that I remember. After this, I go back to my textbook/notes and see how I did. These are the ways I found useful for me.

  13. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    Oh my gosh! This is going to be difficult for me! First, I will try to think positive and motivate myself as much as possible so that I can finish this task. I will have to read it in increments and make a goal in how many pages I need to read a day. I will also have skim the pages to see the general idea of what I am about to read and then start writing information down that I think I should remember. I usually write the page number on the side of my note too so that when going back to it, or if I don’t remember why I wrote my note or why it is relevant, I can go back to the page and re-read it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. If my grandmother was beginning to forget certain things, I would spend more time with her and encourage her to take on more activities. Some of the activities include doing jigsaw or crossword puzzles. I would do some aerobics with her to keep her health and her brain running. I would also encourage her to maintain a more healthy life style. Working out you body as well as your brain helps improve overall brain productivity which helps with memory along with a lot more.

  16. Studying for economics can be very boring, but before reading the textbook, I would look at main points I would need to know as well as skim over some pages to look at the main ideas in each section. I would also highlight main phrases, so i can review. If something is confusing i would right it down and review it that way i won't forget.

  17. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name

    Many times when I meet someone I am sometimes overcome with other thoughts at first introduction, particularly if it is an important person and I sometimes get distracted with thought in my head as to what I am going to say. First of all, I try to repeat the name aloud after meeting someone. Then to attempt to reinforce the name I try to associate the exact name with a member of my family, friend or even a movie star and that seems to engrave the name in my head.

  18. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.

    Oh wow, math is one of those classes that is the exception to most students as to how they will tackle it. First of all, any negative thoughts need to be banished and replaced with can do thoughts and continually reminding yourself that it can be done. For students such as myself that have taken super-high level math classes and have struggled severely, I have found it critical to do it in baby steps. Doing math every day little by little and letting it absorb, while reviewing the next day has been my only concrete success with math.

    1. Good suggestions for being successful in a math course.

  19. 1.You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    In this situation I would then first survey and question the chapter. I would skim through the chapter read the titles, and make some marks. Then I would read and recite, search for the main points, ask myself some questions, and try to really understand what the chapter is about. I would also try to be in an environment where I feel relaxed and can concentrate and focus more.Reading the text more than once also helps me understand the true meaning of the chapter.

  20. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.

    Due to the fact that I have been in this situation many of times because I am not so great in math. The first thing I would do is to think positive. Thinking positive will help me boost my confidence and help me try my best. Even though I'm not very good in math I always give my all in it. Turn in all my work on time and always ask for extra help if I need it. One should never think negative or down upon themselves because then you are basically setting yourself up for failure. Thinking positive is always the right way to go to succeed.

  21. In order to avoid “goes in one ear and out the other”, I should apply the memory techniques to help myself to remember. When I study, I already follow some of these techniques which are meaningful organization, visualization, recitation, develop an interest. For examples I always organize what I need to focus on and figure out in my study and highlighted the important things. Sometimes I draw simple picture instead of taking notice. I draw a small picture about the same topic we talking. I always make a review or recitation on the important things which it supposed to be mentioned in the class, and maybe did this review with my friends in the group-work in class. I really noticed that when I loved something or I interested about knowing something, I keep remembering this thing for a long time. Therefore when we explained any new topic in class, I tried to read about it and write some sentences in my own words in order to keep it in my mind.

  22. According to the video “Sleep to Remember”, Sleep isn't a lost of time. It’s a critical function during which our body balances and regulates the vital system effective respiration, and regulation everything from circulation to growth and immune responds. Sleep is crucial for our brain and for our memory work. According to the video, memory that affirmed in times of flight feeling or even a stress will be better record, but one of the major factors contributing to memory consultation is a good night sleep. Based on studies if we going to sleep 3 hours after memorizing our formula, and 1 hour after practicing our skills, would be the most ideal. I tried that in the choir in my church when I have to memorize the Hymns. I note that when I practice the tune and take enough sleep, I wake up in the second day with remembering the exact tune and the entire hymn. Proper sleep will make us waking up every morning with a new improved brain ready to face the challenge a head.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    400 pages is a lot of pages. However, I think that the best way to tackle this assignment would be to count the days I have left until the mid-term. From there I could separate the reading into sections, followed by underlining and writing in the columns important details that stand out to me as I read. Not everything I underline needs to be highlighted in the words written on the column though. If I read these 400 pages in sections, I will have a better chance of memorizing the material than if I wait until the last minute to cram it all into my brain. I will be more relaxed and will remember more of what I have read this way.

    10. Comment on the video, Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep

    I learned a lot from this video. In the past, my study habits have not been the best. This year, however, I have learned a lot more from this class an my English professor as well. I have incorporated splitting my assignment and not cramming my work. It has been my experience in the past that even if I study a lot the day before, if I don't get enough sleep, I forget a lot of the last things I studied the night before. What I do now, is that I review for three days before the day i have an exam, then I sleep early the night before in order to be rested up. I also try to not drink coffee before a test. This video gave me additional information on how lack of sleep affects our memory.

  25. As for scenario number two I would suggest doing note cards. Note cards will be helpful in remembering all the vocabulary words for the test. over the course of a week you should make note cards with each vocab word on them and review then everyday. each day you will get faster and remember more words and by the time the test roles around you should be able to recall any of the vocab words quickly and accurately.

    And for scenario 6 I think a good way to remember the name of a newly aquainted business contact is to use word association. it realty works for me, ill use word association to remember peoples names and it works. if the persons name is carl you can say carl likes carl juniors burgers.

  26. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    I can remember the scientific names using many methods. One of which is associating a picture with the word. As I'm looking down at the chart of scientific names, I can link each name with a picture of a muscle, breaking them down on each section of the body. Associating a picture with the word will help me remember it better. Another idea is to write each muscle down on a flash card, and each day memorize a small section. That way, I don't get overloaded with information. I can take it step by step, so I can memorize them.

  27. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    The best way to do this is to break it down into a couple of pages a day. So if I divide it down, it will be thirteen pages a day. I think that sounds more reasonable than trying to cram all four hundred pages on the last few days. To make sure I understand the material, I can skim the chapters first, to get a general idea of what the text will be about. Once I do that, I can go back and read in detail. To make sure I remember the important things that I think will be on the mid-term, I can highlight key details and try to memorize them by recitation. On the day before the exam, I should see that I have highlighted no more than 20 percent of the text. I can go back over the highlighted words and refresh my memory before taking the mid-term.

    1. Excellent answer here. The key is breaking it all down into small parts.

  28. You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.

    In this scenario the student should try to connect the teachings to philosophy to their own life. Philosophy can open a myriad of avenues of thought. The student should try to create a personal interest in the class and or find solidarity with a specific philosopher. The student can use the reading techniques of skimming and then reading and reciting to better comprehend the complex subject matter assigned to him/her. Also by thinking positively the student can understand how doing well in this class can further his/her educational plan in relation to transferring or even their GPA, thus encouraging the student to perform better in the class.

    1. Good answer. Sometimes we have to create an interest. If it is a new topic, it might be difficult to be interested in it, but as we gain knowledge, we typically gain interest in the topic.

  29. Comment on the video, Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep

    In the video the narrator had emphasized the pivotal role that sleep plays in how are body functions. Sleep is a necessary function in relation to the retention of information. The video had discouraged the notion that staying up all night cramming for tests would help to retain and learn more information. The narrator encouraged getting a proper amount of sleep prior to an exam in order for the brain to better facilitate the move of short term information to the cortex of the brain where long term information is stored. The video also explained the different stages of sleep and how slow wave and REM each correspond to a different form of knowledge retention (declarative memory and procedural memory)

  30. You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.

    Since off the bat I don't have interest in this class what i can try and do is to find something that interests me about the class. Maybe even try to motivate myself to give my all into the class even if I cannot find something that catches my attention. It never works to just go in to a class thinking, "i don't want to do it." I can skim over some of the textbook or look up online what I can potenially be learning.

  31. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    Wow this actually happens to me a lot. It is very common that even after 10-20 minutes after reading something, most of the material is forgotten. I usually just re read the chapter or simply just skim first then read it again to help my brain remember it easier. If that doesn't work, I try to write down the important points and question, review, and recite!

  32. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    Remembering large quantities of names or things is a hard task to accomplish if you do not have a system in place. If I were given this assignment, I would use a tactic presented in the chapter which is meaningful organization. I would separate all the muscles into different groups categorized by areas in the body and then try to assign meaning to each group in order to better remember the names. This organization mixed with flash card practice and the actual act of trying to remember the terms should work out.

    1. Good answer here. Meaningful organization will make the task much easier along with frequent review.

  33. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.

    Staying healthy until I am an old man is one of my life long goals, I do not want to be in my late 50's trying to remember things and in an overall bad state health wise. That is why I will do certain things to stay healthy. These include eating healthy and staying away from harmful things like drugs. Exercising my body by going to the gym and exercising my mind by reading and continuously learning. These types of things will definitely help in the long run. Also, their are programs like lumosity that train your mind to be quick and to retain information.

  34. 2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    Remembering 100 different muscles seems pretty intimidating, but I know it can be achieved with the memory techniques I learned in this chapter. I would start by organizing the muscles in different groups. I would make 20 groups (20 flash cards) with 5 different muscles in each group and label each card 1-20. From there I would write every group on their own flash card and repeat each muscle on each flash card aloud a few times and go to the next card. Since 20 flash cards are a lot to try to remember in one day, I would study only ten of the cards one day and the other ten the next day. To help me remember the muscles in my LTM, I would also incorporate, writing it down. I would use a different sheet of paper and write down every muscles I could remember from each flash card.

    6. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.

    I think a lot of people appreciate having their name remembered after meeting a person once. I’m usually impressed when people remember my name because it’s pretty common for people to forget names. If I were introduced to an important business contact I would say their name aloud after greeting them. For example, Pleasure to meet you, Bob. I would also say their name aloud after saying goodbye, like, It was a pleasure meeting you, Bob. Hope to speak to you soon. To help me remember this contact in my LTM, I would repeat the name aloud a few times and try to make a connection to it with my personal life.

  35. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    First, I would go back and skim what it is that I am suppose to read and read the end to see what it is that is trying to be achieved. Then while I am skimming I would highlight the headlines or anything else that stands out, such as bold lettering or diagrams. After, I would try to break up the chapter into different sections. Then after reading each section I would take a moment to reflect on what it was that I read and then move onto the next section. At the end I would look back and see how each section ties into the other to form the end result.


  36. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.

    One way that I can better remember his or her name is to repeat their name as much as I can out loud or in my head. Another way that helps me to remember names is to see if I can associate it with something unusual or to make a rhyme out of it. I also try to think of someone well known or fictional who has the same name as that person, which I can use to remember that person. For instance, if the person’s name is Alice then I could associate it with Alice in Wonderland.

  37. 4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
    Yes anyone who has to read 400 pages can feel a little overwhelmed but in reality to have a month to read that many pages is plenty of time if you split your time to be able to fit all of it. I would split the book into parts of 35-40 pages a day. Even if that was only 3 days per week that is plenty of time to finish the book in the four weeks of a month. If I read 40 pages for three days a week that is already 120 pages in a week and that is great because it doesn't cause as much stress to myself. By the end of three weeks you are done with the book and that leaves you with one week to review what you just read. This is just something I'd do I can't speak for anyone else.

    7.You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    This is basically my current situation in math. I am enrolled in an algebra class and I do not think I am very good at math. The only way I well be able to finish my math class is by studying and not thinking about the negative and only the positive. If I dwell on the fact that I don't think I am good at math that willl only make me to poor on test, quizzes, and homework which will then lead to me failing the class so I might as well study and believe that I can pass. Having to redo a class just because I failed to believe I could pass it is such a waste of time and that time is precious.

    1. Many students have the same experience, so I am happy that you shared what happened to you. Positive thinking is important is passing any course.

  38. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    This scenario applies to me extremely well. I have struggled with math all my life and it has been a challenge for me, therefore I instantly think that I will never be good at math. Instead of thinking negatively, I should boost myself up with confidence. Reminding myself that I can do this. I would seek help from my teacher, tutors, and study more than usual.

    In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    Right off the bat, this is a challenge. My memory isn't that well. Although, I could utilize some "learning techniques." Such as, flash cards, making a song out of the words, or quizzing a partner. I would also utilize meaningful organization. Therefore, I would categorize the muscles into groups, such as the ones that are linked together.

    1. Good answers here. In the math class, it is helpful to think positively and then take the steps needed to be successful.

  39. -You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    I can not keep such a negative thoughts in my brain because such thoughts will lead me to do really miserable in the class and the rest of my math classes. I must maintain good and positive energy in such a class and try to learn everything step by step to get good results that will prove my negative thoughts wrong. Doing extra work to learn the material better, get help from those who enjoy math and are willing to help will for sure as well improve many obstacles I face in the class.

    1. I recommend tutoring for any student who has difficulties with math. It is a free service offered by the college. It is best to begin tutoring early. Good answer.

  40. -You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    Thinking of a class such as history in a very boring way will now allow my brain to function and I will lose interest in the class, which will probably lead me to failing the class or getting a really poor grade. In order to be successful in that class, I must keep on telling my brain positive things and make myself more interested in the topics discussed in class, try to study more about them and follow up in the history from several of years ago. This technique will help improve my skills in liking the class and getting good grades as well as good information out of it.

  41. never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    This is actually a pretty spot on example of what just happened to me in a math class last semester. I have a very hard time in math classes and was giving myself a lot of grief over getting through the class. I wasn’t sure I was going to pass which made me feel hopeless. What I decided to do was to not think about it as passing or failing but about tiny little steps. I broke all my work down into accomplishable tasks and work slowly and steadily through everything detail by detail until I passed the class with a B. To be perfectly honest some of what I did I still don’t 100% understand but following the procedures helped me complete the semester and I do understand a lot more now than I did six months ago.

  42. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
    This happens often when I am distracted. A good thing to do is to take notes while reading to hit main topic points and then review the notes on a schedule to help retain the information long term.

  43. You must take history to graduate from SDSU.. You think that history is boring. In my situation if this is what I think Ill find a way to make it interesting and work in groups to better understand american history and see why I don't like it to change it up and find key points to like it. You have a mid-term and have to read 400 pages.. I would start early and just prepare and study for it then when the mid-term comes it will all be repetition so I will remember it better. The video remember to sleep is greta and essential to sleeping because we need the rest in order to let our body function right.

  44. I feel very grateful that I read this. It is very helpful and very informative and I really learned a lot from it. family counseling services
