Monday, February 2, 2015

Chapter 1, Understanding Motivation, Feb 2-8

It was great meeting you on the blog last week and learning about your educational journeys. We have a great variety of students in the class and many different educational backgrounds. This diversity makes for interesting discussion and sharing of ideas.

For this week, share your ideas on motivation with other students in this course.

Please read Chapter 1 in CollegeScope before commenting on any of these questions. 

Remember to make 2 postings of 100 words minimum for each posting to get the full 20 points for the blog this week. Postings for this week are due before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Feb 8.   
1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
2. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?
3. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?
4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
5. Read comments posted by other students. Are any of their ideas useful to you?

You can also write anything about your experience in starting college or beginning this course. You can ask questions about anything related to college and career success or comment on others students' postings. 


  1. 1)The way I motivate myself to success is by setting realistic short and long term goals.
    2) Some ideas that this first chapter offered for me is to realize the major importance of education in our lives today and how it effects each aspect of out live. Those who do not educate themselves are seen as mostly low status people, which is very sad to see how some people do not even care about their education and drop out of college at the first struggle they face.
    3) The way to motivate myself to continue is by realizing the benefit of working through the short term struggle to achieve long term success.
    4) The largest roadblock to my success is actually getting the motivation to complete the tasks at hand to achieve the long term goals I desire. The best way to overcome these roadblocks is by keeping focused on what the benefit of completing these academic requirements to achieve my career desires.

  2. My experience in college as a second semester student has been great and even greater than i ever imagined. Last semester, just a few days before I started my college journey, I feared it so much! I thought i was not going to be able to do good and get good grades like other people, I feared failing and not being able to achieve my goals, but after the first semester everything changed! I believed in myself and my abilities of getting my school work done and in a very efficient way! College has been impacting my life greatly and I am truly thankful for all the opportunities I have that some people wish to have and are willing to give up so much to get it. People should appreciate education more often and realize the importance of it because from my experience, I learned if you do not love what you do, you will not achieve it.


  3. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    There are many ways I can motivate myself to be successful. First, organizing a solid game plan that outlines my goals and expectations would give me a good stepping-stone and be a good resource to help me stay on track when I start to go afield. Second, I can utilize optimism to think positively about my future, ideal lifestyle, once my goals are accomplished and how rewarding it will feel to have met my goals, as achieving goals can also function as a reward to staying motivated in and of themselves. I can also work on focusing on what the possible negative results might be to not succeeding to deter myself from getting off track.

  4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
    Life sometimes feels like the biggest roadblock to my success. It is a wily and uncertain world to be sure. To narrow down some specific roadblocks to my success I suppose it matters what being successful means to me. One roadblock is not being able to understand or articulate what kind of success I want. It would help to work on improving my concentration in regards to formulating a game plan for my expectations so I can see clearly how I am doing at accomplishing them and thereby feel more successful. Another roadblock is not having enough time to accomplish everything I’d wish to do. I could utilize intrinsic motivation here to schedule better and make time for smaller tasks in between my other necessary ones.

  5. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I was intrigued by the some of the points that were brought out concerning internal vs external motivations. I have always considered myself to be internally motivated, so I was surprised to find that I am actually also affected by a considerable amount of external factors, specifically the desire for academic and career success and for that success to be recognized by others. I never realized my motivation was so petty! As far as how I motivate myself to be successful; since I have a family and two young children, simply considering what my failure would mean for them is extremely motivating. I also break down my college workload into tightly structured and easily achievable sections, scheduled to be completed well before their actual deadlines. I find that being ahead of the game helps me keep thinking positively about college, as the panic involved in falling behind in my course work dumps a ton of stress on top of the actual workload. I also don’t do my best work under that kind of time pressure, so I avoid it whenever possible.

  6. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?

    My worst problem is a severe lack of time. I try to overcome it by being as efficient as possible in how I schedule myself, but there still isn’t enough and I end up cutting out things like exercise and relaxation – which isn’t a viable long term plan. My second roadblock is a lack of money; four-year colleges are expensive! I am trying to address that issue by applying for as many scholarships as possible. Another roadblock to my success in college is needing to work full time in order to support my family – a situation that many of my classmates share. This means that I have to take online classes whenever possible, which I have found to be more difficult than regular classes due to the lack of a personal connection with my professors and the other students. I overcome that by trying to get to know people as well as I can in an online environment, and also by trying to meet up with my professors at least once to introduce myself in person. I don’t always manage this as it can be difficult to get off work during a professor’s regular office hours, but I try.

  7. 3. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?

    I think that all of us at one time or another become overwhelmed in life and want to give up. I also think that this is especially true when dealing with the hardships of completing college since it is not necessarily mandatory. I always motivate myself to continue on by taking a few moments to remind myself of my goals. Why am I doing this? Will this get me closer to my goals? What happens to my goals if I do dropout? Simply by asking myself these questions I am reminded that this is what I have to do. If this does not work then seek some help. I can always find relief in the support of others. When I feel like giving up I talk to a supportive family member or friend. Just having a healthy conversation can lift you right back up and give you the motivation that we all need.

  8. 4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?

    We all come at a pause to roadblocks in our journey to success and this is why I chose this topic question. Some roadblocks are minor and we can work past them by ourselves. Other roadblocks are major and are either out of our control or seemingly impossible to tackle by ourselves. Me personally I have been through roadblocks that extended over so long of a period of time it seemed like a way of life. Now that I am older I have learned a lot and am working to be accomplished. My point is that sometimes we cause the roadblocks but do not notice it on our own because we see it as a way of life. I think that if you are having trouble ask someone that is not scared to judge you so you can get a truthful evaluation so that you can fix the self-inflicted roadblocks.

  9. I believe that everyone has the potential to obtain what they want in life. Unfortunately, not everyone has the motivation to do so. Like some people I know, I've experienced some roadblocks in life that evoked various feelings such as sadness, laziness and pessimism. One day, I realized that life isn't going to get better if I continue not to do anything and let life pass by. I started motivating myself by thinking positively. Several times, I brought myself down because of a mistake that happened awhile back and it shouldn't be that way. Nobody is perfect and the best way to move forward is to learn from my mistake and past struggles and do the necessary steps to be better. I also set goals for myself. Of course, the big goal for me is to finish college and obtain a satisfying career; however, I also make smaller goals that also affect my big goals. For example, health is a very important thing to achieve one's goals. When you're working and going to school, it's very easy to just go to a fast food place and eat and not exercise. After struggling with these, I now tell my sometimes stubborn self to prepare meals the day before to bring it to work/school the next day. Eventhough it may be a hassle at times, I find it to be for the better. Not only will I get a balanced diet and get all the nutrients I need, I also have more than enough energy to do my day to day tasks.

  10. Unfortunately, I've thought about dropping out of College before and taking the easy way and from my experience, it did not do me any good. I got stuck in life. Have you ever heard of that quote, "Good things happen to those who wait"? I believe, good things happen to those that work towards their goals. Life happens and doesn't stop for anybody. I learned that the hard way and I motivated myself and took it one step at a time. There is such a thing as wishful thinking. My calendar/planner was my savior. I would set goals and would give myself a deadline and if I achieve it under the given time, I reward myself with a little something. I also stayed away from people that are pessimistic. Some people are not the most supportive and sometimes it can ruin someones drive. I believe it is unhealthy to be around people that do that. I also read Lamar's post and found this quote from him to be very helpful, "I think that if you are having trouble ask someone that is not scared to judge you so you can get a truthful evaluation so that you can fix the self-inflicted roadblocks." Asking someone I trust helped me realize that I was the only one keeping myself from achieving what I want.


  11. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    There are many ways I motivate myself to be successful. One way I motivate myself is by thinking positively and taking it one step at a time. By having the right mindset, I can set myself up for lots of success in the future. By taking it one step at a time, I can utilize all my time and energy into one particular task instead of focusing on multiple tasks at once. Another way I motivate myself is by having a sense of direction of where I want to be and what I need to do for the future. Basically, if you don't know what to do, how can you be motivated to do it. This is a big reason why many people lose motivation to be successful because they don't know what to do or what they want.


  12. If you are thinking about dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?

    Dropping out of college has at one time or another crossed everyone's mind. For many people, dropping out of college becomes an option because students are not thinking about their life in the long run; they overwhelm themselves with more school, longer work hours, and they begin to lose focus. If I was ever considering dropping out of college, one way I would motivate myself is by constantly reminding myself why I began in the first place. The best way to predict the future is to create it, and that is one mindset I would rely on if I ever think about dropping out of college.. By visualizing the life I want to have in the future would motivate me to continue pursuing my goals.

  13. I motivate myself to be successful by thinking about what it would be like if I didn’t have the ability to obtain an education. I also stay motivated to sustain a lifestyle and family that is mandatory to survive in this fast-paced society. It is important to constantly think positive and try to avoid any negative thought that may enter my mind. I always take things step by step to stay motivated because looking at all of the tasks that need to be completed can sometimes seem overwhelming, but baby steps are the key to continue on the path of motivation.

  14. If I ever had thoughts of dropping a class or dropping out of college then I would take strong consideration of what my options are to continue. In my situation, I do have heavy responsibilities that take crucial precedence over my education. Time management is critical to my success and can at times be a roadblock if not properly allocated. There would have to be a severe shift in my life for me to consider dropping out of school or class because I am not the type of person that typically stops something once it’s started and I am able to put my mind to it and continue.

  15. I realized after reading the chapter that I am motivated to be successful both intrinsically and extrinsically. Extrinsically, I am motivated by praise; if I'm being honest, I like being told that I did a good job, or that I get a raise after working hard, or anything like that. I am also very motivated by my faith in God; I know that I need to use the brain He gave me to the best of my ability and not to waste my gifts. Intrinsically, I'm motivated by my own desire to make the best of my life, and I know that without a proper education, I'm definitely not as likely to have the lifestyle that I dream for myself. But I also know that I need to keep an open mind about my future, because not all the plans that I make will automatically happen. Things change, but it's going to be okay and motivation to keep going despite tough circumstances is really important.

    I've never thought about dropping out of college before, the thought has never occurred to me. But if I ever did, I wouldn't make any rash decisions and would first seek the advice of my parents, who would definitely somehow motivate me to stay. I would also make sure that I at least had an alternative plan that was likely to succeed if I were to drop out.

  16. My biggest sources of motivation and inspiration come from my father and grandfather. My whole life I have spent looking up to these men and great things have always been expected of me. I want to be able to forge a career that will ensure the financial wellbeing of my future family and children. I have always been something of a competitive person, which is an attribute that helps fuel my drive to achieve my greatest potential. I keep things in my room that remind me of my goals lest I forget them, such as: financial booklets, pictures of my grandfather, USC pamphlets, and so on.

  17. in terms of road blocks to my success I don't necessarily have any. The major and industry I am pursing is highly selective, therefore the only thing that can hinder my success is my own laziness. Too often do I find myself side tracked by social media and television. Usually I come home from work exhausted and mentally drained, making it very difficult to get on track and do homework for hours on end. I've been doing my best to manage my time wisely and so far its working out reasonably well. I'm 90% there, all I need is that 10% more.

  18. To motivate myself, I always set out goals that I could reach. I don't overwork myself so I don't lost motivation. Instead, I handle only what I know I can take. To stay motivated, I write out a thorough plan that lists the goals I want to achieve. When I see those plans on paper, I stay motivated to do them because I see the progress right before my eyes. I stay motivated by going step by step in completing my goals, that way I don't feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew. And I feel like it works. I also stay motivated because my kids are looking up to me. When they see me do well in school, I feel like it encourages them to do the same and not give up when their lessons seem difficult. They do the same to me, when I see them work hard studying, it motivates me to do the same.

  19. Some roadblocks to my success is simply time. I feel like I don't have time to study when my kids and husband and the house are in constant need of my attention. It sets me back while I fix their problems and deal with them, and that always leaves me exhausted with very little time to do my studying. To fix this, I found out that I needed to set up a clear set of rules on when they shouldn't disrupt me unless it's an emergency so I can get my studying done. It's worked so far. I have set up my studying time from eight to ten at night while they are busy doing their own homework. As to the housework, my husband and kids now chip in to help clean it clean so I don't spend as much time on it so I can concentrate on my studies.

  20. In order to motivate myself to be successful I need to have interest in what I'm doing as well as motivation to complete my goals. Right now my motivation is my family, my degree, and my need to feel accomplished. In Chapter one I appreciated when it brought out to have concrete motivation in order to be successful. I found Abraham Lincoln list of life's failures and success very motivational. The fact that the President of the United States had failed and they had so many troubles throughout his life, not even becoming president until the age of 52, was inspiring. At 24 I felt as though getting my associates at this point was late in life, and not as special. However, seeing Abraham Lincoln's age and persistence made me feel inspired to continue what I'm doing as well as feel good about my accomplishments no matter what my age.


  21. Throughout my college career I have several times considered dropping out. It seemed like the less stressful and easy way out. Somehow I pulled through and if all goes well will be graduating at the end of this semester, but had I taken this class with my very first semester my time spent here at Grossmont would probably have been cut in half, less stressful, and more motivated. Only one chapter deep in this course and I regret not taking this course sooner. Some roadblocks for my success currently our work, family, and recreation. My time management skills are average however I feel that I can greatly improve on those. The information out of chapter 1 about forming habits and taking 10 solid days to make them habits, I plan on using those to be more successful in school. I am hoping to make better study habits as well as time management.

  22. I motivated myself to earn my MA by setting short term and long term goals.

  23. Growing up with a single mom on welfare, I knew I needed to earn a quality career to "get outta these streets". I set the short term goal of becoming a Teaching Assistant and the long term goal of becoming a full-time teacher. After 10 years of college and $142,000 in student loan debt, I have the life I have always imagined.

  24. One way I motivate myself to be successful, is that I constantly remind myself of what my goals are and how far I have come from where I was when I made those goals. I also try to stay positive, although at times it seems hard. Another way that I motivate myself is that I research a lot of statistics about college graduates, from the likelihood of finding a job to how much money they typically make in year after graduation, and I tell myself that I can be apart of those statistics someday. I did find the techniques to be more concentrated interesting and helpful.

  25. Whenever I think about dropping out, I remind myself of how much better my life will be once I am done with my studies and have a good career; as well as, remind myself of how negative will life will be if I do drop out. I also find motivation in others' success, because this encourages me to want to better myself, just as they have. Some roadblocks to my success would be my poor time management in regards to studying and homework. I can overcome these by setting a schedule for myself and rewarding myself after I am done studying.

  26. Like everyone else, being successful is one of my highest priorities. Whether it be health, school, or work being the best I can be is important to me and that is where most of my self motivation comes from. I was always taught to do the best I can from a young age so later on in life-right now-that has not changed. To fail is to stop trying, to succeed is to prevail once the going gets tough, and I achieve this with persistence. I always remember that persistence beats resistance and so this is another form of motivation I use once things get difficult. Reading the chapter one has also led me to some new ideas on motivation. For example, I found what was said on affiliation particularly interesting as I never thought of being part of something bigger was motivation.

  27. I am a strong believer in that if you want something then the only thing that can stop you from achieving that something is yourself. Therefore, the only roadblock I can see standing in my way of success is myself. Blaming something or someone else for my failures would be wrong of me to do. I know that I have challenges ahead and that is where I need to focus my energy and motivate myself to overcome those challenges when they arise. For example, I know scoring high on the LSAT will be tough and that is something I need to work hard and smart for. Overcoming roadblocks for me would be constantly reminding myself that nothing is impossible and with hard work and persistence comes success.

  28. I started college during the Fall semester 2014 at Cuyamaca College. I was pregnant and ready to begin pursuing my career to better my sons life. I took only 4 classes and honestly didn't realize how hard it was going to be to keep up. I didn't pass all my classes so I made it my goal to make sure that this semester was different. I just gave birth to my son on February 6. He is now my new found motivation to be sure that i pass my classes to better his life in the future. I am taking this class to just be sure that the major I had chosen prior to starting college. Also I am taking this class to gain insight and different tips to make sure I am successful.

    -Chloe Alexander

  29. 1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    -When I put my mind to something specific it is usually difficult for me to not accomplish it. I usually think about the positive outcome of what will come from it and that helps motivate me.
    2. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?
    -There were a lot of ideas that I found useful and helpful. Such and the
    3. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?
    -There have been times where I have wanted to give up and drop out but I just think of how far I have already come in my journey to success so why would I give up now? I won't. I need to find new ways to push myself to complete this long term goal.
    4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
    -The only roadblock to my success is myself and how I tend to procrastinate and push it away and come back later.
    5. Read comments posted by other students. Are any of their ideas useful to you?
    -Making short term and long term goals can either break or make you. If you are truly committed to start and finish,no excuses, then you are bound to be successful. If you are not committed to it, you are bound to failure.

    -Chloe Alexander

  30. There are few ways I motivate myself to be successful. One way I motivate myself is by reminding myself of what I want for the future. I want to become a nurse and be good at what I do. For that I need to do good in school and understand what I'm learning. In chapter one it talked about thinking positive about the future and that is exactly what I try to do. Another way I motivate myself to be successful is by rewarding myself for doing good. If I know I am going to get a reward if I do good on my next test or finish my homework then I am more likely to stay motivated. So far I have not thought about dropping out of college but I have thought about dropping a class. It makes it hard to stay motivated in a class that I don't find interesting. However, I know I have to stay thinking positive about my future. I just remind myself that this certain class is helping me get one step closer to my future.

  31. A roadblock to my success in school is that I procrastinate often. I usually know when a certain assignment is due but I still wait for the last minute to do it. I am still working on not procrastinating. One way that I am trying to stop procrastinating is by doing a little bit of an assignment each day before its due and not the last minute. I also set myself reminders to do an assignment because I sometimes just forget that I have an assignment due on a certain date. Another roadblock I am trying to overcome is making more time for school work. I spend a lot of time on my laptop or phone doing useless things. In order to overcome this I could make a schedule and set times where I can get my homework done first, then be on my laptop when I'm finished.

  32. Accomplish my major, and seeking for a good opportunity for job is one of the most important motivator to me to be successful in college. One of the intrinsic motivator to be successful is that I like to work hard and get a good grade. This motivates me to continue my study and accomplish my major which is leading me to think of a good career and a good salary. This is considering an extrinsic motivator. Also what I found it interesting in chapter one is using rewards. Listening to the music that I love is one of the rewards I use it to increase my positive behavior.

  33. Balancing time is one of my obstacles. I find it difficult to balance my time between my family and the responsibilities towards them, my study in college, and my job. Sometimes I don’t think positively, so I let the fears and lack of belief enter to my heart, but I tried to overcome these fears by thinking that I should expect a successful outcome of what I’m doing. What prevent me from dropping classes is that my goals beside getting a career that matches my personality, also to be more knowledgeable, and a role model to my kids.

  34. 1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I motivate myself to be successful by taking the appropriate steps. By taking advice from others who are in similar situations like myself or by seeking information on campus or online. When I felt lost about how to transfer out of Cuyamaca College, I decided to schedule an appointment with my counselor and lay out a future plan. Now with a plan in place I am motivated by knowing which classes I need to complete by the time I anticipating to transfer to SDSU. The classes I am taking at Cuyamaca are my baby steps towards my upper-level classes at SDSU.

  35. 4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?

    Unfortunately, I can leave assignments to do up until the day they are due. For example, essays, which have always been my weakness in school. In chapter one I learned that I could take steps in completing an assignment. When writing an essay, instead of cramming it all in one night, before the day it is due, I could work on one or two paragraphs a day. This would make writing essays less stressful and the quality of the paper would be much better. This also applies to my reading assignments I have in my textbooks. Instead of cramming forty pages, I could break the pages up into sections and read a few pages a day.

  36. I motivate myself to be successful by telling myself that no matter how hard the task at hand is, it will all be worth it in the long run. A lot of the material that I read from chapter one was very interesting and gave me a new perspective on how to motivate and award myself. So at a point I did think about dropping this class because I could not get the chapters to work properly but at that moment I found the chapters and thought to myself, well if I started this class already I might as well finish it. Some examples of roadblocks in my success in school might be not feeling motivated to do anything because it is boring. To overcome this all I have to do is think about my future and how much add to my education and finishing college should make the rest of my life a bit easier. This is one of the things that pushes me to finish and overcome that roadblock.

  37. So far college is not what I expected. Being fresh out of high school I guess I expected a high school experience . That is not that case with college. There are so many things that I have to get used to such as, buying all my books and having to be my own source of motivation or some type of push. Professors would like to see you achieve your goals but they aren't going to be on you about your work like high school teachers. That is a big thing for me. I sometimes need that extra push or I won't get my work done and now being in college not doing your work can get me dropped and that would really suck because it would probably demotivate me and I think it would go down hill from there. So I will try to get out of the high school mindset and push myself to do all my work and remind myself that it will all be worth it.

  38. Ways I motivate myself to be successful is by always pushing myself to do better and by putting goals for myself to beat. I always remind myself that no one can stop me except for myself and the barriers I put up in life. I did think about dropping this class and just not continuing on with college and just working. But instead of allowing my mind to put a barrier on my road to success I thought about all the goals I have for myself and that without school I could not accomplish them. Without continuing my education I could not open up my own facility for people with special needs and I can't imagine not taking care of others so that helped push me to continue on with my education.

  39. I cant say that staying motivated is easy, let alone concentrated. I am that person to which the chapter said not to be. For example I'm that person that does the homework in front of the television to later find myself switching through channels to find that nights game and putting the homework aside. Unfortunately this isn't my fist time going back to college. Time after time I find myself taking a swing toward a college but end results always end up me dropping out. However no matter how many times I come my reason is always the same, my motivations never changes. I'm here because I want that personal achievement to be met. I want to be a part of that group that states that their highest education is college. Fortunately I already have a career, so my motivation is broaden my knowledge

  40. Some roadblocks to my success is time management and my own impatience. I can not stand knowing that time is being wasted when I can be out doing something more productive and something that I am more interested in. My struggle is finding aspects of classes that I enjoy that can help keep me interested so I don't start losing interest and eventually giving up on. As for being impatient it goes hand in hand with time management. An idea in chapter one that stood out to me was the idea of giving yourself rewards. This stood out to me because even though I have goals for the future it helps to have rewards after accomplishing something you have worked hard for and having it motivate you to continue on until you reach the grand reward.

  41. Ways I motivate myself to be successful is by always pushing myself to do better and by putting goals for myself to beat. I always remind myself that no one can stop me except for myself and the barriers I put up in life. I did think about dropping this class and just not continuing on with college and just working. But instead of allowing my mind to put a barrier on my road to success I thought about all the goals I have for myself and that without school I could not accomplish them. Without continuing my education I could not open up my own facility for people with special needs and I can't imagine not taking care of others so that helped push me to continue on with my education.


  42. My successes is truly based on how i chose to handle my situations in the future.
    Nothing in chapter one caught my eye on trying to help me figure anything out but did make me wanna motivate myself more. Haven't had many roadblocks yet but i look forward to over coming them and succeeding threw it all. No matter what comes i will succeed to be successful.

    This motivates me to complete my study and accomplish my major which is leading me to think of a good career and a good paying job. This is very good for my future.

  43. Every time I come back to school the experience is always great. The tines that i have to drop out of college regardless if it's because of my doing or because of scheduling I regret every moment of it. I regret it because I know that I can do more, i know that I have it in me. In some sort of way going to college has become like a challenge, not in every attempt will you be successful, but when you fail you get up and try again and this time around the end result is evem better.

  44. Irma Contreras

    When I first started college two years ago, I did it with the intention of preparing myself for better job opportunities. As I began to go to school and do homework and get good grades, I began to see the effect it was having on my children, especially my 20 year old son. It took him a while, but he finally decided to go to college with me this semester. My younger ones also have voiced out that they want to go to college as well. I truly believe that I have inspired them all, and by doing this, I have more motivation than ever to continue to lead the way so that they can see that it is possible, no matter how old you are. Of course, always reminding them that the younger you are the better.

    Some of the roadblocks to my success definitely have to do with time management. I knew early on that going back to school was going to take a lot of effort on my part. However, I did not foresee that it would take so much of my time. Especially the time I am able to spend with my family. Taking into consideration that I work a forty hour week, and am taking twelve units, it leaves very limited time in my household for a lot of things. However, I feel that I can overcome these roadblocks by better managing my time and setting time aside for every task. Prioritizing and following through.

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    1. Of course the setting of goals has to be used to achieve them

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  48. I motivate myself to be successful by thinking about the struggles I have been through and knowing that I do not want to remain in the same bad environment that I grew up in . I want better for myself and the future. I motivate my self to do work if I want a better future for myself.

  49. The most important quality that students need to be successful in college and their future career is an education and a positive attitude. What I mean by that, these days you need a degree if you want to do anything in your life. Looking at it now with the economy going down day by day, a 4-year degree really doesn’t do any justice. It’s sad to say but these big companies now are paying the same amount of money if you have degree of not. So, never be lazy, always be a positive and thoughtful thinker, so maybe one day the hard work you put in pays off. The society that we live in now is all about attitude that we carry in our image. No company will ever hire an insecure and negative employee. I think attitude brings a lot to the table, both mentally and physically. As we look around the world all we see is war and poverty. But in our everyday life we see Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which provides positive attitude. I’m sure there are a lot more important qualities out there, but to me, we need an education and to be positive at everything we will do now and in the future.

  50. When I was a child, I remember my father driving me around downtown San Diego. He showed me all the poor homeless and less fortunate people sleeping in the cold and not having a home nor a meal to eat. He asked me if I ever wanted to be like them. I looked at him puzzled. Every time I would see a poor person I would think of my father. When I graduated high school everyone’s mentality was that they were “too cool” for college. Then I asked myself, where and what will I be doing in 20 years?

    I’ve herd this class is the best and will help you succeed. Again, you must have motivation and a dream that you want to fulfill. The economy these days proves to us that we need an education to get anywhere. The cost of living is high and gas prices are skyrocketing. So take a look at the society we live in, and that will determine if you need an education or not.

  51. I motivate myself by writing down my goals and think of ways on how I can achieve them. Also, my dad always gives me lectures to do the very best I can in school so I won't have to struggle the way he did financially. My parents are my motivation to succeeding in school, as well as myself. Reason being, I want nothing more than the best for myself. If I am thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, I can motivate myself by having a positive mind. As well as seeing my teachers or counselors to get some sort of guidance so I do not feel alone. It's all about having a positive attitude and not being afraid to seek help when you are in need.

  52. Before last year I was working a dead end job and living in someone's attic. So I wanted to get my life straightened out by going back to school. I had started school in 2009 after I graduated high school, but after a semester I decided that's not what I wanted to do and dropped out. So when I went back to school I wanted to take only one class so I didn't get overwhelmed with a lot of courses. Staying motivated through this part was easy. I i just did my homework on time and studied for test and I got good grades so that kept me motivated.

  53. Some road blocks that I face are managing my work, social, and school life so that I can succeed in all of these areas. Also staying motivated to get good grades, I basically don't want to get less than a B in any class I take. Another road block might be things that can't control such as my car breaking down or getting injured. I just. don't want to get held back any longer from getting my degree. Another road block could be losing my job or having to drop out of college for financial reasons, but I have applied for student loans and grants to help me pay for college.
