Monday, February 9, 2015

Chapter 2, Exploring Your Personality and Major, Feb 9-15

I was inspired reading all your blog posts on motivation.  Motivation sets the stage for success.  Many of you mentioned careers and the economy as motivators for going to college.  You are more likely to be employed and to like your career if you have an education.  One of the keys to success is what you do on a daily basis, so do a little of your homework each day and it all adds up to success.  

Chapter 2 began with the Do What You Are (DWYA) personality assessment which has a 4 letter code used to summarize your personality type based on your answers in the assessment.  For example, my code is ISTJ which stands for introvert, sensing, thinking and judging type. 

Posting 1:

Choose one of your letters and write 100 words about this aspect of your personality focusing on the positives of your type. Remember that one personality type is not better than any other.  Each type has different talents that can be useful in your personal or career life.  You may think that you are a combination of 2 different types.  It is OK to describe your unique combination. 

Here is a sample of about 100 words:

Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type.  I know that this is true because I can only feel relaxed when things are orderly and organized.  I plan my work and think about priorities when managing my time which helps me to accomplish my goals.  I even plan out my vacations in advance and like to have everything planned so I can relax and have fun.  I have met some opposite types in my lifetime and try to appreciate their differences.  I have found that perceptive types can usually introduce an element of fun in the situation and they motivate me to be a little more spontaneous at times.  I’m still most comfortable with my plans and don’t like to change them.

Posting 2:

Read another student’s posting who has the same personality type as yours and write a response to their post.

Here is a sample response of about 100 words:

I am a judging type also.   I could relate to your need to be orderly and organized.  I generally plan my time and like to have all my things organized.  I get stressed when things are out of order.  I have also met some perceptive types and I have to admit that they drive me a little crazy.  I like your idea of appreciating their differences and just trying to have fun with them.  I know that these opposite types think I am too set in my ways.  Being a judging type has lots of positives.  I plan to major in accounting and this seems to be a natural fit for my personal strengths. 

Just as a quick review, here is a brief definition of all types on DWYA.  Please review these definitions before you make your comments.

Introvert: private, likes quiet for concentration, likes to think before speaking
Extravert: social, likes variety, sometimes speaks before thinking
Sensing: works step-by-step, learns from experience, trusts what is concrete and certain
Intuitive: values imagination and innovation, focus on possibilities, creative and imaginative
Thinking: calm and objective, makes decisions based on logic, analyzes emotions, likes debate
Feeling: makes decisions based on personal values, values empathy and harmony, caring, emotional
Judging: orderly, organized, work first and play later, follows a routine, meets deadlines (Note: it does not mean to judge others!)

Perceptive: spontaneous, go with the flow, play first and do the work later, dislike routine, difficulty meeting deadlines


  1. According to my DWYA report, I am a down to earth person who is willing to help anybody at anytime and do anything to make the people who surround me very happy. Helping others makes me the happiest as well and I love to do it as much as I possibly can. I always give more than I get. When I help others, I do not expect anything in return, I do it because it makes me feel good about myself and makes me appreciate the things and the people around me much more than I usually do. Being a giver, I feel that it makes me different than other people. It makes me the one that people are always willing to know and become friends with. It also makes people trust me more and always ask me for advices that could help because they know I am always there for them willing to do anything at anytime.

    1. Hi Adra, we have very similar traits. We both enjoy helping others even when it wont benefit ourselves. I have learned that you do not always get what you give in return and I'm fine with that because I put others before myself. Also, enjoy being surrounded by people who make us the most happiest. You seem to be a very friendly and outgoing person which is also how I am. We both seem to be the people that a friend or friends lean on when they need help. That is something I love because it makes me feel wanted and reliable.

  2. According to my results from the DWYA ,my personality leans towards to having a extravert personality. I am a very social person, enjoy meeting new people, and explore new things. I am usually the first person to start burst out laughing even when the joke may not be funny, I sort of have a laughing problem. Which may be a good and bad thing at times because I can not control it. I am the friend people lean on for help and advise when needed because I am not afraid of telling the truth even when it may hurt someones feelings.Getting side tracked and doing things last minute is my weakness.Even though I am a huge procrastinator I almost always finish things on time. I try to learn from my mistakes, and work step by step to try and fix them. Thinking positive is what gets me through the days especially Mondays, and motivates me to better myself.

    1. Hello Ashley, according to both of our DWYA reports, we seem to have a very similar personality. We both tend to be very social and like to be surrounded with people all the times. We also like to meet new people all the times and make new friends, as well as try new things more often. Also, we both are the type that friends trust all the times and get advice from when they are stuck in situations. Lastly, we are both honest and not afraid of telling the truth. Although we have so many similarities, we have some differences as well such as the laughing problem that you can not control and doing things last minute. I attempt to be very good with doing things in time or even earlier, which i think is a blessing.

  3. According to my results from the DWYA ,my personality leans towards to having a extravert personality. I am a very social person, enjoy meeting new people, and explore new things. I am usually the first person to start burst out laughing even when the joke may not be funny, I sort of have a laughing problem. Which may be a good and bad thing at times because I can not control it. I am the friend people lean on for help and advise when needed because I am not afraid of telling the truth even when it may hurt someones feelings.Getting side tracked and doing things last minute is my weakness.Even though I am a huge procrastinator I almost always finish things on time. I try to learn from my mistakes, and work step by step to try and fix them. Thinking positive is what gets me through the days especially Mondays, and motivates me to better myself.

    1. Hi, my personality is similar to yours, I'm a extravert also! I like how we are very social and outgoing, these are very good traits. That's very good that you have enthusiasm and you try to learn from your mistakes. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches, right? it seems like you have a good sense of humor. Even though I don't have a laughing problem I'm very competitive which can be a good and bad thing. My weakness is that I make thing's to difficult for myself when its just a simple task. I hope you enjoy this class.

      -Shaylene Oramas

    2. I am also an extrovert, and I can relate to what you're saying. I love to laugh too, especially when others do it first, laughing becomes contagious. I like how honest you are with you're friends. Unless I'm thinking before I talk, I usually lie and say something nice in order not to hurt their feelings. But if I talk before thinking, I say the first thing on my mind which I always feel bad about afterwards, but I find that instead of getting upset at me, they actually appreciate my honesty. I like your motivation be thinking positive, because Mondays are really difficult to get through for me as well.

  4. According to the Do What You Are Test, I am an introvert. I agree with the test results, they were very accurate. I keep more to myself due to me just being a shy person in general. I like to have fun and spend time with my closest friends and family. I am the kind of person who sticks with what I know. I rarely step out of my comfort zone. I also don’t really like meeting new people. School wise, I prefer to work alone while doing home work or studying. I don’t think I work well in groups because I’ll stay quiet and not put in my thoughts and ideas. However, If I work by myself I’ll most likely get more work done. For the most part I am fine with being an introvert, except when it comes to talking to new people. I wish it was easier for me but thats just who I am.

    1. Hi Marie, let’s hear it for the introverts, ha! Like you I am naturally a very shy and private person, enjoy spending time with my closest friends and dislike studying with others. We do differ somewhat in that over time I have learned to be more outgoing and confident in the workplace, where being an introvert tends to get you labeled as “elitist, uptight, insecure, unsocial, and boring”. I’m still a solid introvert in my personal life, but in the working environment I have had to learn to be more gregarious, to lead others, to multitask, be more spontaneous, and to be willing to take charge quickly when faced with emergencies. It’s funny, but I find that I now have far more confidence in the working environment than when I’m at a party. I feel like a fish out of water there, totally tongue tied – social events are definitely not relaxing for me.

    2. Hi Gabriel, I am also an introvert to a certain extent. I value my alone time but I am definitely not shy. The main reason I am an introvert is because I keep my thoughts to myself and my actions toward others limited. I only am an extrovert around people I am close with or feel comfortable enough to open up a little to. I have learned the skills of the best extroverts but only use them when I see fit. Such as, in a business setting. Social events are also one of those exceptions to being an introvert. I get along well with almost everyone I meet and I am not shy on any level.

    3. Hey Marie, I am also an Introvert type. I can relate to you being reserved due to being a shy person. I keep to myself most of the time unless I feel the need to put myself outside of my comfort zone.I have a small circle of friends that I can trust with anything. But with me, I do like to meet new people. You never know how they can impact your life. When it comes down to concentrating on school and other projects, I like to work alone like you. Either with music playing or just having the room quiet. I don't mind being an introvert!

    4. I am also an introvert and think that introverts are often misunderstood. I have learned to be more social, but need quiet time to re-charge. There are lots of advantages to being an introvert and good careers too. We are just a little quieter than most because we think over what we are going to say and sometimes don't get the opportunity to speak up.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The two personality types that fit me best are an extravert and judger. I consider myself outgoing, independent, and a leader. Having played sport at such a young age, I quickly learned to embrace my qualities. During games, I was always welcoming and sociable to everyone in my team. Furthermore, I have always liked to do things on my own, but when I do need help I ask. I have always set a good example to many people and I always like to take charge and make sure things get done. I also like to encourage people to do the right thing and I motivate myself to do the best that I can and give 100% of my effort.

    -Shaylene Oramas

    1. Hi Shaylene! I am also an extravert and a judger. I read your blog and you basically took the words right out of my mouth that describes me PERFECTLLLLYYYY! I am a leader and very outgoing. I have played sports since I was 6 years old. I was also very welcoming and friendly and sociable to my teammates and when I met new people. I like to do stuff on my own but just like you, when I need help I do ask. A lot of people come to me for advice so i like to encourage them to do the right thing. We both motivate our self to do the best we can and we give 100% effort in everything we do. You are just like me!

  6. My personality type from test was INTJ, and overall I would agree with the assessment that I am an introvert. I enjoy time alone, have a few close friends that I care about deeply, and strongly dislike large-scale social situations and idle chitchat. On the work side though, I am actually more of an extrovert/judger with a side order of perceptive. I enjoy detailed, complicated work, hate being late, and always meet deadlines. You could probably say that I am generally the boring, "work first, play later" personality type. The strange thing though, is that I also love having a certain degree of creative disorder around me, (my desk is often an epic mess) I am good at responding to emergencies, and find that juggling different projects is actually kind of fun! I plan my work and college life out ruthlessly, but I don’t like forcing that same level of control onto my personal time, where I generally prefer to be spontaneous. My wife is still trying to figure me out, ha. We had a great time going over my personality assessment together, and I think we both learned a lot from it.

    1. Hello Gabriel. I think our personalities are similar as well. It seems we both enjoy our alone time and hanging out with close friends. I don't have a wide range of social interaction with unfamiliar people. I also like to get my “work done first then play later.” I am often seen as a quiet person in public and I guess boring as well. I would have to say we are different in the aspect of work. Even then I am still generally an introvert. However, when I am at home or hanging out with my family and close friends, I am more of an extrovert. When ever I am around them, I am extremely outgoing and often loud. I am my most comfortable self with them.

    2. Hey Gabriel. I was also bestowed with the INTJ personality type. I believe I am the same way when it comes to being an introvert, I rather stay away from huge social events and "idle chitchat" and really focus on the people that matter to me. I liked what you had to say about the work side of your personality as I think I am pretty much the same, I like to handle complicated projects although I do plan out most of the steps before attempting to really delve into it. My desk is also a mess, ha. Nice to read your post and compare the similarities we share, take care.

    3. The NT personality type is a good match for science and engineering careers, so take a look at them because there are many good paying jobs in these areas.

  7. My personality type is ISTP, and the preference I am choosing is perceiver. According to the Do What You Are assessment I am a perceiver rather than a judger. I am a perceiver because I like to live spontaneously. I let each day pass having options rather than requirements. I still have things that I have to do but I like to mix things up. I might be working on one project today and another one the next, but they all will get done in a timely manner. Being flexible in life is necessary. There will be times that things come up and you will have to adapt to them. By living as a perceiver I am also preparing to be flexible enough to take on life.

    1. How’s it going Lamar, seems like our results are very similar. Like you I was rated to be a perceiver, and all though it may not seem like it I believe our traits do us good in this busy life. You see, it seems like as life progresses it requires you to live a faster passed life. More and more is required from you as the world evolves. Life doesn’t come to screeching halt in order for you to finish an assignment before you are handed another or for you to organize everything you have. In my opinion now and days you have to be flexible in order for you fully grasp what is in front of you.

  8. According to the results of my DWYA test, I am an Introvert type. I believe this is true because in my personal life I am very reserved and private. I tend to keep to myself most of the time which can be good and bad at times. During my studies, I prefer to be in a quiet place, such as a library or my bedroom. Sometimes I do turn on music to help concentrate. When it comes to other times in my life, such as conflict, I like to think before I speak. That way I have a better chance of being able to get my point across faster than just saying what first comes to mind.

    1. Hi Chloe! Like you I am also an introvert. When I got that result I felt like it wasn't a completely accurate characterization of my personality but then again I can't really expect it to be. I liked what you said about your appreciation for solitude and music. I myself love coming home after a long day at work to pure silence. Sometimes I just need to be left alone to recuperate from the day and I do that by listening to music or podcasts. As far as conversations with new company goes, I do my best to think about what I say until I am sure that I don't misrepresent myself in the eyes of new acquaintances.

    2. Hey Chloe, according to the DWYA I also am consisted an introvert. I feel the same add you when it comes to studying alone and in quiet. I'm also very private and keep this to myself. Like you I would rather think an issue over before debating or arguing about it to insure I had my thoughts set. I also don't enjoy large crowds or big partys.

    3. Hi Chloe I am introvert type like you. When I saw the result I didn't expect that because although I am quiet, shy person like you and limited social contacts, but also I like to work with individuals either in small groups or large groups, knowing new people, and respect the different personality they have. In my relationships I like to have a real friends which they have the same personality and same values. I like when they understand me and respect me. I’m a good listener when I’m with them, so sincere, and show a big interest to their issues. I always avoid hurting their feelings, but also I’m so sensitive and I’ll be wounded when they didn't appreciate what I did for them. I like how you accept your personality type.

    4. Hi Chloe, like you I am an introvert type as well. Like you I do tend to be more private and reserved. I also think before saying something too, so that I may be able to clearly portray my thoughts and ideas. Also like you, I do find it best to study and work alone in a quiet environment so that I am able to focus more and not be distracted by someone else. I too view that sometimes being too private can be bad, because you can miss out on some opportunists; which has happened to me in the past.

    5. Hi Chloe. I can completely agree with you in regard to being private and keeping to yourself not only in the good times but the bad times as well. I am also an introvert, so i can definitely relate. It was very interesting for me to see that you like to have your own quiet space to study and do your work as well. I hadn't realized that I did too until I moved to my current living situation and I had to find a "quiet spot" to do my work. Your comment regarding your friends and family really made me laugh because I am also very loud, according to others (Of course). It is great to see that we both have a little of both and are similar in so many ways.

    6. We have lots of introverts in this class. Sometimes I think introverts are drawn to online courses because they match the strengths of this type.

    7. Hi Chloe
      I am an introvert type too. I agree with you I love spending time alone sometimes to concentrate on things, especially when it comes to school I love to do school work alone or studying for exams if I need help I like to ask my professor rather than asking other classmates. I love spending time with very close people to me. I don't like having lots of friends. It is nice to see that a lot of us have a similar type

  9. According to my DWYA report I am extravert and judger .I am best described as a leader. I am very outgoing and I have a warm heart. I put others before myself and I work hard in everything i do, on the court, in school, at work, or even in my relationship. I like to have things planned out and under control but yet I could also be spontaneous. I think before I speak because I think of every possible outcome of what I am about to say before I say it. I base my facts on concrete evidence and I learn from personal experience. I Think the "Do What You Are' survey described me very well and I agree to everything it said.

    1. Hi Kathryn, I am also assessed as a judger. Much like you I also feel like I am a very hard worker at everything I set myself to do or accomplish. I find I also plan everything out in advance and I like to be in control but I also worry about what a control freak I can be, I try to temper that part of me a little bit so I don't become to neurotic. Thank you for sharing you thoughts and insight.

  10. According to my DWYA I am a judging type. This assessment makes sense to me as I do fall into the organized and ordered quality. My plan my resources to try to get the most out of them. Like financially I like to plan in advance for bills and make arrangements in advance for big purchases and save money because life has unexpected ups and downs and I like to at least try to be prepared should the worst occur. I feel similarly about planning my time at work and try to find ways to streamline my efforts to accomplish as much as possible in the amount of time I have .

    1. Hi S. Westbrook, I too am assessed as a judging type. Likewise, I enjoy paying my bills in advance and try to stay organized and really the way I look at it is that the bills going to be due in a week anyways so why not just get it out of the way so I don’t have to worry about it and just pay it off now, otherwise I find myself saying, “Oh my gosh, when is that bill due again.” Preparing for the worst is very important because unexpected things do always occur, so if at all possible then it is always best to maintain some sort of supportive cushion in the event of any emergency.

  11. I whole heartedly agree that I am a thinker. Everyday people are making irrational decisions and my focus is minimize the number of poor decisions I myself make. There is a saying that goes "The first rule is not to lose, and the second rule is always to remember the first rule." I do my best to live my life according to this saying. I can relate this to my experiences in the stock market, I do my utmost to ensure my understanding of a particular company before buying into the hype or overvaluation that is so often characteristic of a bullish market. Carful reflection is something I value highly but this state of mind by no means impede my desire to express moments of spontaneity.

  12. Based on the assessment, I have been found to be on the Judging personality type. I do believe this is an accurate assessment based upon my past experience. From my past experience in school, work and social life I love to have control, planning and direction. I think this is good for my life as student because it helps me to stay organized with my classes. When I complete my assignments before the deadline then I reward myself weekly by going out enjoying the San Diego outdoors. I feel to be pretty consistent with most classes and this helps to keep my stress levels at a minimum, therefore this personality type matches me closely.

    1. Hi Jeffrey, I am a judging type as well. Just like you, I love to have control and plan for what is to come ahead. I believe as a student, being organized is beneficial because it allows us to stay on top of things from homework,projects, and studying for tests. By rewarding yourself after you complete assignments is something I do as well because it gives us more motivation and incentive to keep working until we are done. Judgers are determined to make decisions as for perceptive types, they take so long making decisions, they tend to make one at the last possible moment.

    2. Judging types tend to do well in school and on the job because they get their work done on time.

  13. According to my DWYA report, I am a judging type. As a judger, I am very work oriented and like to work to maintain certain deadlines. By doing everything one step at a time, I tend to follow routines than be spontaneous. Also, I tend to abide by the saying, "Work first, play later." I believe that as a judger, to be fully able to enjoy any free time I get, I need to have a clear mind. I can't be out having a good time while in the back of my mind, I am worrying about how I am going to study for a test or finish a particular project. I like to be in control, so planning out my days ahead of time is a must. Any change that occurs during the day that I had not planned, throws me off balance. I like to plan for everything in advanced, because I liked to be prepared should I encounter any unforeseen circumstances.

    1. I am very work oriented as well and do well in meeting deadlines. It makes me work more efficiently and helps me manage my time. I agree with you about the saying "Work first, play later". Often times, people do not understand why I almost always put work first. Time management and planning and organizing things make everything easier for me as like you, I like to be prepared. I like finishing one task before moving to the other and having control of my day is what fuels me to achieve and make sure everything is complete at the end of the day.

  14. After taking the DWYA assessment and reviewing the results, well I am not too sure what think. The assessment was great but I don’t think I paid close attention to the questions. After reviewing the results and comparing all personalities I can see how I can relate to both. In some set of personalities there is a stronger inclination to one profile than the other, in the rest I think I am dead on in the middle. With that said the results set me to be closer to an Introvert personality, but I think I can relate to both an Introvert and an Extravert. Depending on the social setting that I am in is the way that I react to the particular moment. For example, I am the kind of person to get easily distracted so when it comes to an education/studying setting I an expert Introvert. I need to be able to focus in order to finish my assignments, and anything more than four people in a study group is a party to my opinion. On the other side of the pendulum, when it comes to work Extravert is my nickname. I’m required to be social to gather information and to delegate plans, and working as a team is a must. This is why I believe that I can be more that one personality.

    1. It is possible to be a combination of introvert and extrovert. It is actually the best of both worlds. It is more difficult to match personal strengths to a career however.

  15. Based on the DWYA, I am an extrovert. I love loud places and I love to talk a lot. I usually do talk a lot with my friends, I love to share my opinions about everything. Talking comes easily to me, I don't know how to do the opposite and stay quiet. If I'm quiet, I get so bored unless I speak. I also like variety when it comes to my studies. I can't stay concentrated on only one subject, I tend to jump from studying one topic to the another in twenty minutes to keep myself entertained. This is also true for work, I hate when things are monotonous, and unless something new comes up, I'm usually really bored with everything. People say I have no brain to mouth filter, because I tend to say whatever comes to my mind.

    1. Although, I did my post about being a judger, I also am an extrovert! I love socializing with people and meeting new people! The only thing different is that I have to finish one project/one step first before I take the next step or do another project.

    2. According to the DWYA report we both are extravert. I enjoy to be social and share my opinions about many things as I see you do too. I sometimes speak before thinking and just tend to say whatever is on my mind because I feel it is the right things to do at the moment.

  16. According to the DWYA my type is ISTP. All of my types except for Judger vs. Perceiver were rather close in median. As a perceiver, I am more flexible, go with the flow, and tardy. All of these seem to be accurate as to my character. While I do find it important to be on time I also find it rather difficult for myself. I do however find myself comfortable with routine which seems to be more of a judgers role. An example of the in my life would be me taking on many projects because I don't mind going at them at my own pace. For instance recently I have been working on my sisters baby shower, my cousins bridal shower and all three of my online course.

  17. According to my results from DWYA, I am a judger. I like to keep things organized and orderly. I work well in meeting deadlines and like to schedule things. I like getting concrete instructions so that I can manage my time well and work efficiently so that I can finish tasks and assignments. It usually stresses me out when things do not go as planned or things change. I also like to budget my time and money. I am definitely not rich so I like to get my money's worth on things and spend it on things that I need first. Although I like being orderly, on my free time, I also like being spontaneous and try to let go of things I have no control over.

  18. According to Do What You Are. My type is perceiver, but I notice that I show preference to juger more than perceiver. I really like to be spontaneous in my behavior, but in work or study I prefer to follow a schedule. Also I like clear directions in work or in my study in addition to organized work with some flexibility. Working on one project until done is important to me because it makes me organize my thoughts, and I think the logical order is required in work. I don’t like to take risks in my job. I prefer stability and security. I like having high responsibilities and accomplish goals on time. I think this is reflecting in my study and my job.

  19. According to results of my DWYA, I am an introvert. This was not a shock to me, because I tend to like being alone or with my small group of friends and find it very uncomfortable to around large groups of people. I believe that my type helps me to establish long lasting friendships and relationships. I have been around others of the opposite type and I do find that it is easier to get to know these types of people because of how open they are. However, I do enjoy my solitude because I feel that I am able to better understand myself.

    1. Hello Delia, I am also an introvert! I agree being around big groups, especially with strangers can be quite uncomfortable. However, being an introvert has it perks because we get to observe other people and how different they are from us (since we do little such little talking). We also learn a lot from being observers. My significant other is an extravert and he really likes being the center of attention. Every so often I need to remind him that I do not like being the center of attention. He sometimes does this when we are with friends or family. Even though it's around friends and family I still feel really uncomfortable having everyone's attention on me.

  20. The letter I would like to talk about from my DWYA report is about being an introvert. I believe that it was very accurate in this aspect. I am a very good team player at home and at work. However, I realize that I do enjoy having my own quiet time to get my work done. I work best if i am in the office alone, on my computer. I sometimes multitask, but i like to complete all the projects I start. I am quiet, and speak to very few people about my personal issues and concerns. However, I am completely opposite with people I am most comfortable with. I like to think before I respond. I used to be very impulsive and have practiced being more perceptive and to think things through before responding as it will get me a better outcome.

  21. According to the assessment I am a judger. I do like to have everything planned out and organized but I also try not to miss out on opportunities that pop up. Routine is something that is not foreign to me as I have a routine for almost everything, whether it is school, work, or even just relaxing. Another thing that is associated with being a judger is to set goals and work toward them. I like to have one goal at a time and work to get it finished, multitasking might not be my strength but being able to stay focused on a single job feels like it works best for me. Lastly, having clear directions or a road map of what is going to come ahead is where I feel most comfortable when I am working, it makes it so that I can work efficiently and effectively not having to worry about what to do next and so on.

  22. Based on the DWYA report I am an extravert. I do like to be talkative at times and can communicate with a total stranger after a while build up and great conversation with that individual. I am easygoing, friendly, and lighthearted. An extravert such as I am is very social and able to communicate a a high level. I believe being social is needed in our society because it is a away to better understand an individual and if it is pertaining a job it makes the job more fun instead of being boring. I like a variety of things it appears. I am not close minded rather than I am open minded and don't settle myself for one things. It is always going to have a back up plan just in case everything doesn't go according to schedule. I sometimes speak before thinking because my mind just knows that it is the right things to say at the moment.

  23. From the DWYA assessment, I am an introvert. I agree with the result because most of my life I have been seen as a quiet and shy person. I enjoy having my own space to think and reflect about the present and the future. It also gives me time to observe my surroundings and to learn about other people from the way they expose themselves. I also enjoy working on assignments or projects alone and instead with a group. Whenever I am given the option to work with a group or by myself I always choose to work alone.I usually get anxiety talking to other people, especially if it’s with other people I have never interacted with. It also takes me a bit to warm up and open up to others.

  24. Good job on the personality discussion, students! It shows a good understanding of personality type. Remember to focus on the positives of your type since there are good careers for every type.

  25. Good job on the personality discussion, students! It shows a good understanding of personality type. Remember to focus on the positives of your type since there are good careers for every type.

  26. My Do What You Are results told me that I am an introvert. I have known this for a long time and it came as no surprise to me. I'm certainly not antisocial, and I can have a lot of fun with people. I usually prefer smaller groups of friends however, and I definitely need my "recharge" moments. I get a lot more done when I work by myself on projects, or with one or two other people. Over the years I have learned how to be a leader, and recently got a promotion at work which will require me to stretch my extrovert muscles a bit more. But an introvert I am, and an introvert I will stay.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type. I know that this is true because I’m very orderly and organized. I always set my priorities straight and making sure I have all the tools necessary for my duties. I was taught growing up to work first and play later. Hard work will always pay off at the end. Make sure your attitude is always positive. Without having time management it will make you feels sloppy and disorganized. In the working world, you must be responsible about what is important to you and making sure everything is submitted in time and complete. Pope John Paul II said “Young people are threatened... by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.”

  29. According to the DWYA, I am a giver. I believe this is true because I enjoy reassuring the ones that are closest to me. It is important to me that I take care of my loved ones. Although, I feel I am more of an extrovert rather than an introvert. I am outgoing, I love to be on my feet and outdoors. I enjoy having many friends and I am energized by social interactions. It is easier for me to talk in groups rather than working individually.

  30. Based on the DWYA I am an introvert. I agree with that. I like to be alone sometimes; I like to study alone at the library or at home, I think that studying with a big group of people can be distracting, also I love having few close friends. I don’t like having a lot of friends around me I think that can affect my school. I like doing things on time, I hate doing things last minute, I think being late is very unprofessional. Therefore, the test results showed that I could be very organized I don’t consider myself a very organized person but overall the results matched my personality.

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